Singapore Maid Steals Over S$40,000 From Employer Over A Year

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She did this for over a year...

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We employ maids with the hope that we can trust them with our families and our homes. Many times, they become our right hands, and we find it hard to function without them. But there are rotten eggs among the gems, whose doings make us gasp in horror. Like when we hear that a Singapore maid steals from her employers… not a small sum either. 

Singapore Maid Steals Over S$40,000 for Beauty Treatments and More 

Eka Nur Indah is a 26-year-old Indonesian maid. She’s also rather devious as we understand. According to The Straits Times, she would wait until her employer’s wife fell asleep or was watching TV. Then, she would steal her ATM card. 

Reportedly, Eka used the card many times to withdraw over S$40,000! The sly maid apparently used this money to buy jewellery, phones and beauty treatments. Finally, the thieving helper was caught by the employer’s son. 

On Friday June 1 2018, she was sentenced to one year in jail. 

If you’re wondering how Eka got hold of her employer’s PIN number, unfortunately, it had been written in a notebook accessible to the maid, by the lady of the house. 

Deputy Public Prosecutor Marshall Lim is quoted by The Straits Times as saying: “The accused knew that the victim kept her ATM card in her bag which is kept by her bedside.”

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Eka allegedly used the card over 20 times for her shady transactions, sometimes withdrawing over S$1000 at a time. 

Some employers install cameras in their homes.

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Preventing Theft in Your Home: What Should You Do? 

Singapore maid steals from her employers — we hope this never happens to you. Do keep these tips in mind: 

  • Never keep cash, jewellery, bank cards and other valuables lying around the house. Not even a small amount of cash or costume jewellery. Your maid might be honest. But it’s best not to provide temptation. 
  • Do not write down PIN numbers anywhere. Memorise them instead. 
  • While it’s your personal decision, some employers install CCTV in common areas of their homes. 

Ultimately, however, your children and your family are more precious than any material objects you own. 


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Source: The Straits Times

Also read: Maid boils baby to death



Written by

Nalika Unantenne