8 Signs You're In The Most Awesome Relationship Ever

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Not too sure if your relationship has reached the awesome stage yet? Read on and keeping ticking off the list!

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Being in love with your other half is probably one of the most amazing feelings ever. You feel safe and secure whenever they hold you close, and it’s the little moments like waking up next to each other that matters to you the most.

Before we ramble on about the perks of being in love, be the judge of your own relationship and take a look at these 8 signs that prove that you’re in the best relationship ever:

#1 You can speak your mind

8 Signs Youre In The Most Awesome Relationship Ever

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One of the most obvious signs of being in the right relationship. Being able to say what’s on your mind, without having to rethink or consider what’s in your head or what you’re feeling. Whether it’s during an argument or in a casual dinner conversation, you can do this without worrying about being judged.

#2 You can be yourself

And you never have to feel as though you’re being too annoying, talkative, weird or even goofy. You don’t have to worry if they still like you, because there is that sense of security in your relationship.

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#3 There’s no awkward silence

You both meet for dinner after a long working day, and after sharing how your day went, you both settle into a comfortable silence. There’s no awkwardness, and you don’t always have to talk. It’s in these comfortable silences that you make sense of the line (“You say it best when you say nothing at all”) from Ronan Keating’s hit song.

#4 You both give each other a healthy amount of space

Spending 24/7 together may feel a little suffocating. There is a mutual understanding between the both of you that every once a week or so, you each take time to do things on your own (he hits the gym, you head for a girls day out). Having that space shows there is not only trust, but he lets you grow in your own space too.

#5 You flirt with each other

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You’ve been together for years, but the flirtation doesn’t stop. Every once in a while, he drops a racy text message that makes you smile, and you do the same. This adds a spark to your relationship and makes it a whole lot more awesome.

#6 You both laugh at the same things

Finding someone who connects with you physically and mentally is amazing, finding someone who laughs at the same things you do? Super amazing! You know how the saying goes, a couple that laughs together, stays together.

#7 You bring out the best in each other

Being together makes you both want to be better versions of yourselves so that the relationship improves. Instead of accommodating his flaws and vice versa, a compromise is reached in order for the two of you to grow as individuals, and as a couple.

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#8 You plan for the future

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It’s clear that you’re both madly in love with each other and are willing to commit to this relationship for the rest of your lives. Planning for the future together ensures that this relationship will have a future, as moving forward will be the next logical step for an awesome relationship.

A relationship can be challenging at times, amidst the arguments or even miscommunications that get you down, but as long as you both love each other and are willing to work things out, it will always be worth it. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry says, “Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction”.

What are some other signs that prove that you’re in an awesome relationship? Share with us in the comments below!

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Written by

Pavin Chopra