12 Tips to Build Strong Bonds Between Siblings

Want your kids to grow up as best friends? Discover the secrets to building strong sibling relationships with these 12 easy tips!

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Siblings play a crucial role in each other’s lives, but maintaining a positive relationship can be challenging. Strengthening sibling bonds requires intentional effort. Below are 12 tips to help foster a supportive and loving relationship between your children.


1. Encourage Shared Activities

One of the most effective ways to build a strong bond between siblings is by encouraging them to engage in activities they both enjoy. Shared experiences create positive memories, which strengthen their connection. Whether it’s building a fort, cooking together, or playing a game, these interactions help siblings form a deeper bond.


2. Don’t Interrupt Happy Play

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It’s tempting to intervene when children are playing, but it’s best to let them continue without interruption. When siblings are happily playing together, it’s an opportunity for them to bond. Support their play by providing what they need, but avoid stepping in unless absolutely necessary.


3. Use Oxytocin-Boosting Activities

Oxytocin, the bonding hormone, can be boosted through activities like laughing, singing, and roughhousing. Incorporate these into your daily routine to help siblings feel closer. A daily dose of laughter or outdoor fun can significantly strengthen their relationship.


4. Start “Special Time” Between Siblings

Designate a daily 10-minute block for siblings to spend time together. This “special time” is especially useful if your children are widely spaced in age or have different interests. By structuring this time into your routine, you help maintain and strengthen their connection.


5. Shift Moods with Favourite Activities

When siblings are having a rough day, redirect their energy by engaging them in an activity they both love, like baking cookies or dancing. This shift in mood can help them reconnect and alleviate any tension between them.


6. Incorporate Bonding into Bedtime Routines

Make bedtime a special moment for siblings by allowing them to say “goodnight” and “I love you” to each other. Some families have the older child read to the younger one before bed, which offers a lovely opportunity for bonding.

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7. Encourage Siblings to Nurture Each Other

When one child is hurt, encourage the other sibling to help. This practice nurtures empathy and care, allowing siblings to see each other as helpers rather than rivals. It also fosters a sense of responsibility and strengthens their bond.


8. Unite Siblings with a Common Goal

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Instead of pitting your children against each other, find ways to unite them in the same mission. For example, ask them to work together to get ready on time in the morning, with the promise of a reward, like taking the long way to school to see something special.


9. Promote Teamwork Through Family Activities

Create opportunities for siblings to work together on family projects. Whether it’s drawing on a large sheet of paper, writing a letter to a grandparent, or teaming up against the grown-ups in a game, these activities promote teamwork and strengthen their bond.


10. Assign Joint Responsibilities

Give your children a shared responsibility, like washing the car or decorating for a family celebration. Let them plan and execute the task together, which fosters cooperation and strengthens their relationship.

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11. Start a Family Kindness Journal

Create a “Family Kindness Journal” where you note acts of kindness between siblings. This journal not only encourages them to be kind to each other but also helps them appreciate the small gestures that strengthen their bond.


12. Teach Healthy Conflict Resolution

Conflicts are inevitable, but they can be managed constructively. Teach your children to express their needs without attacking the other person and to listen to each other’s perspectives. Help them find win-win solutions, which will reduce rivalry and strengthen their relationship.



Building strong bonds between siblings doesn’t happen overnight, but with these 12 tips, you can foster a loving and supportive relationship between your children. By encouraging shared activities, promoting kindness, and teaching healthy conflict resolution, you help your children grow up not just as siblings, but as lifelong friends.



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Written by

Matt Doctor