This Is What Happens To You When You Have Sex Every Day For A Year


365 days of sex? It's possible...

Having sex every day is not uncommon among newlyweds or couples in the early stages of their relationship. You just can’t get enough of each other and you have all the time in the world for  each other. So, sex is a natural, highly enjoyable consequence.

But as time passes, you fall into a rut. Work usually gets in the way of sex first. Then you have kids, the biggest little co%&-blockers around! Or sometimes you’re just TOO tired to have sex after a long day of chores.

Sometimes, this is okay and you catch up on weekends or holidays. But other times, it can take a toll on your marriage when you lack intimacy with your partner. 

So, US author and mum of three Brittany Gibbons decided to try a little experiment of sorts, by having sex with her husband every night for a whole year.

And this is what she learnt from it. 

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3 Things that Happen to Your Body and Mind When You Have Sex Every Day

1. It boosts your confidence

If you do something long enough, it becomes a habit. But you don’t want sex to get too boring. So you have to work at it to make it interesting. After a while, guess what, it boosts your confidence too!

Brittany explains that after her third child, she didn’t feel comfortable being naked. “I kept the lights off during sex, hid my stomach and boobs inside a camisole, and I waited for my husband to leave the bedroom before barrelling from the shower to my closet to get dressed,” she says. 

After speaking to a friend, she decided to have sex every day for a year to force herself into “into facing her body”. 

She got used to the feeling of being naked and being touched by her husband that a few months into the experiment, she didn’t find herself having to hide her body anymore.

2. You start looking forward to it

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Source: Pexels

Mummies, you might be able to relate to what Brittany is saying about not being comfortable with her body. Many women feel insecure about the way they look. In turn, this affects their sex lives. 

But if you have sex every day, you will start looking forward to having sex again. 

3. It changes the dynamics of your relationship

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Source: Pixabay

Having sex every day will change the dynamics of your relationship. After a few months of having sex with her husband every day, Brittany said that the frequent intimacy began showing outside the bedroom.

“We were more romantic with each other, touching arms as we passed, kissing longer before work and not just the cold familiar peck. Our relationship was stronger and better when our intimacy was flourishing.”

Is this something every couple should do?

According to therapists, yes. For couples who have drifted apart, having sex every day is a chance to reconnect, rebuild intimacy, prioritise time together as a couple.

Not to mention, it can also improve confidence, increase a sense of security and also boost your immunity!

It’s a great stress reliever and can also help you sleep better. We say, why not give it a shot? If not for 365 days in a row, then at least a few times a week! 

Need some tips on rekindling that spark in your marriage? Let Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum tell you how it’s done.



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