Get Your Sex Drive Back After Having a Baby!

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Want to get your sex drive back after having a baby? Find out all there is to know about getting action behind closed doors after delivery.

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Find out how to get action behind closed doors even after your delivery.

1. Hot mama

Get Your Sex Drive Back After Having a Baby!

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Part, or maybe all, of the problem may be due to how you feel about yourself. If you aren’t feeling particularly attractive due to all the changes motherhood made to your body, then it’s understandable that you would assume your husband wouldn’t find you attractive either.

Chances are that you are wrong and that he still finds you very attractive. My guess is that he finds you hotter than ever.

Do whatever it takes to make yourself feel irresistible again, whether it is working out, getting a make-over, a spa day, etc. Maybe even just a full night’s sleep will do it.

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Do whatever it takes to make you feel like a hot mama again. You and your husband will appreciate the benefits reaped in the bedroom.

2. Slow and easy

It is unreasonable to expect anyone to go from a non-existent sex life immediately to a full-blown wild sex life overnight. One must start small and slowly build up.

Maybe go for a romantic dinner tonight, then move on to cuddles, then work on some rubbing and massaging, then foreplay, and maybe then introduce the fireworks.

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Take things as slowly as you need to get back into the groove of things. Walk before you run when it comes to getting your sex drive back after delivery. Otherwise, it will feel forced and fake for both partners.

3. Lube it up

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For the first few times back in the ring, make sure to have lubrication handy. There is a good possibility that you will need it. Hormones and other factors seem to leave women particularly dry down there after delivery. Even while aroused, many women report that they need a little extra help in that department. Without lubrication, it won’t be enjoyable for you or him.

4. Prioritize

With all the new changes in your life, it is easy to put your sex life on the back burner. Trying to fit even five minutes of alone time with your hubby might seem impossible with a crying newborn that refuses to sleep much. However, you must find time for loving somewhere amidst all of the craziness of your baby’s first months. The longer you and your husband go without intimacy, the harder it will be to get back into the groove of things. Maybe you think your marriage will be fine, but chances are that your relationship depends on a healthy sex life that both partners are satisfied with. No one is satisfied when there’s nothing there.

Get your sex drive back after delivery by scheduling time for loving.

Did your sex drive decrease after having a baby? If so, what did you do to bring back an action-packed sex drive? Tell us, we’d love to hear from you!

Written by

Christy Rasmussen