September School Holiday Activities for the Family at Science Centre Singapore

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A fat list of events—both physical and online—you can expect at the Science Centre Singapore this September holidays!

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This Saturday (5 Sept) marks the start of the much-awaited September school holidays! 

Parents who are seeking to entertain their kids and unwind from the stresses of life, look no further because the Science Centre Singapore is bringing to the entire family a lineup of fun-filled activities. 

Whether you decide to make a trip to the Science Centre Singapore or enjoy the activities from the comfort of your home, there’s loads of fun you don’t want to miss out on!

A variety of september school holiday activities for families await! | Image source: Science Centre Singapore

In particular, the newly launched Winter Shooting Arena at Snow City Singapore. Unleash your inner child as you run, duck and slide through an exhilarating winter course—and even battle it out in a game of paintball! 

More edutaining activities await, including an immersive dome theatre movie experience, We Are Stars, where you can uncover the secrets of the cosmos, to a STEM-based virtual festival for the whole family, among others. 

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And stay till the end, because there are some #StayHome kits that might come in handy for little ones’ learning!

September School Holiday Activities for Families: Physical Events at Science Centre Singapore

Winter Shooting Arena

Strap a safety vest, wear a face mask, put on a pair of elbow and knee protectors, and you’re good to go! | Image source: Science Centre Singapore 

Run, duck and slide at the Winter Shooting Arena, the latest addition to the snow and winter experience at Snow City Singapore! This sub-zero arena that caters to visitors aged 14 and over will officially open on 4 September 2020. 

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Rest assured as you’ll be guided by a dedicated team of professionals onsite through this fun experience. Simply get ready to put your teamwork and precision skills to the test as you take down various coloured targets in a snow field with your family and friends. 

Official Launch: 4 September 2020

Suited for: 14 years old and above

Address: Snow City Singapore, 21 Jurong Town Hall Road, Singapore 609433

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For more information and pricing, visit their website here

Living Worlds: An Animal Planet Experience Exhibition

September School Holiday Activities for families: Look to unique immersive experiences and interactive play elements in this travelling exhibition, and help foster environmental consciousness in the young ones. | Image source: Science Centre Singapore

Back for a limited time only, the Living Worlds: An Animal Planet Experience exhibition is the first edutainment exhibition that explores the interdependent relationship between animals and the environments they inhabit through bespoke multimedia interactives and never-seen-before footage to narrate stories of the natural world.

Date: 4 – 13 September 2020

Time: 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm

Address: The Annexe, Science Centre Singapore, 15 Science Centre Rd, Singapore 609081

For more information and pricing, visit here.

We Are Stars

Image source: Science Centre Singapore

Uncover the secrets of our cosmic chemistry and the explosive origins that connect life on Earth to the evolution of the Universe with We Are Stars—an immersive dome theatre movie experience. Drawing insights from leading scientists, cosmologists and astrophysicists, come and discover humanity’s current understanding of where everything came from!

Address: Omni-Theatre, Science Centre Singapore, 21 Jurong Town Hall Road, Singapore 609433

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Fees: $14/person

For more information, please visit here.

Butterflies Up-Close

Image source: Science Centre Singapore

Dance with the butterflies at Singapore’s first indoor butterfly enclosure, where humidity and temperature are carefully regulated to ensure that plants and butterflies can thrive. Dance with beautiful butterflies* from Singapore and around the region!

Note*: The number of butterflies and species vary depending on the season.

Address: Hall D, Science Centre Singapore, 15 Science Centre Rd, Singapore 609081

Fees: $10 per person

For more information and to buy tickets, please visit here

Science @ Home Pop-Up Booth

Visit the pop-up booth at Hall A of Science Centre Singapore during the school holidays this September, and enjoy up to 42% discount when you purchase two or more Let’s Explore Kits* or sign up for a Science Centre Singapore membership!

*Tailored to meet the MOE Science Syllabus, the Let’s Explore Kits are designed for primary school students to explore science in a fun way while acquiring new scientific skills to study the world around them. From learning about electricity and circuits to discovering the nature of air, forces and shadow, these experimental Kits adopt an inquiry-based approach to learning Science, which is central to the framework of the Science curriculum in Singapore.

Date: 4 – 13 September 2020

Time: 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm

Address: Hall A, Science Centre Singapore, 15 Science Centre Rd, Singapore 609081

September School Holiday Activities: Science Centre Singapore #StayHome Workshops

LED’s Play Online Workshop

Enjoy 15% off when you sign up for both LED’s Play and Force It workshops today. | Image source: Science Centre Singapore

A great opportunity for everyone to learn how electricity is generated! Here at LED’s Play online workshop, you’ll get to explore more about electricity and circuits, and create your very own LED light-up card from the comfort of home.

Class size will be kept to 20 participants for the facilitation of greater interaction and better focus.

Suitable for: 10 – 12 years old

Date: 12 September 2020

Time: 9.30am – 10.30am

Fees: $20 per person

For more information, please visit here

Force It Online Workshop

Turn household items into toys using forces. | Image source: Science Centre Singapore

Join science educators in this online workshop where you’ll learn to use Science to turn your home into a toy-making factory and learn more about the different forces at play! 

Enjoy 15% off when you sign up for both LED’s Play and Force It workshops today. Class size will be kept to 20 participants for the facilitation of greater interaction and better focus.

Suitable for: 10 – 12 years old

Date: 9 October 2020

Time: 9.30am – 11.15am

Fees: $20 per person

For more information, please visit here

Be FasciNATUREd – The Cycles of Life

Learn how we manage our resources sustainably and come up with creative ways to upcycle a plastic bottle. | Image source: Science Centre Singapore

Join this online workshop to be fasciNATUREd by Mother Earth and how everything in its ecosystem is intertwined!

Facilitated by a Science Educator, this workshop offers a live, online experience and comes complete with an interactive activity kit. Class size is kept to only 20 participants (maximum) to allow better interaction and more individual attention for each participant.

Suited for: 11 – 14 years old

Date: 26 September 2020

Time: 9.30am – 11am

Fees: $25 per person

For more information and to sign up, please visit here


Image source: Science Centre Singapore

Get ready for an UNTAME(d) adventure with us! Join us as we experience Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) with a series of fun activities for all ages. The inaugural UNTAME Festival features three different key events:

  • UNTAME: Beyond Boundaries 

Go on a multi-dimensional virtual quest and take part in more than 30 event activities including live shows, build-along and chitchat sessions. View more information here.

  •  STEAM Festival for Young Learners

Bond with your child and ignite their creativity by joining our lineup of fun and engaging STEAM-based activities both online and at KidsSTOP™. View more information here

  • STEM Conference

Register for our virtual conference and engage with STEM educators and professionals who will share insights on the world of STEM including the best teaching practices! View more information here.

Date: 8 October – 29 November 2020

For more information on the lineup of activities by Untame, visit here

Science At Home

Look forward to a curation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) activities through the Science at Home series – a stay-home series offering a myriad of online resources across different formats and topics, specially curated for all age groups!

From conducting simple science experiments, reading interesting blog articles about the viral Dalgona Coffee or the importance of social distancing, all the way to learning about simple science concepts using the Ready Steady Science material, there is no lack of edutainment for the young and young at heart!

For more information and resources, visit here

September School Holiday Activities: Home Learning Kits 

Little Footprints Fun Kit

Image source: Science Centre Singapore

Explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) this fun and engaging Little Footprints Fun Kit*, which will be delivered to your doorstep!

Learn to build a circuit with the Little Electrician Kit or engineer a toy from scratch with the Little Engineer Kit. *While stocks last

Suited for: 4 – 8 years old

Fees: $5 per kit

For more information and to register, visit here

KidsSTOP™ Academy: Stay Home Learning Kits

Both kits* include a comprehensive learning resource kit and video tutorial. For $10, you will receive an activity kit mailed to your doorstep and a guided online workshop with KidsSTOP™ educators. | Image source: Science Centre Singapore

Learn more about energy and design a motor fish using rubber bands with the Wind It Up Kit, exclusively designed and put together by a group of dedicated Science Educators from KidsSTOP™.

Otherwise, you can opt for the Pop Up Science Kit where your kids will get to make a pair of cool anaglyph 3D glasses, with either the fox or robot glass designs to choose from.

Suited for: 4 – 8 years old

Fees: $10 per person

For more information and to register, visit here.

We hope you’ve found this list of September School holiday activities for families useful!

Just a gentle reminder parents, if you’re heading out with the kids to enjoy these activities, don’t forget to follow safe-distancing measures and engage in regular handwashing wherever possible.


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Written by

Jia Ling