Tips To Help Your Kids Prepare for the September PSLE Schedule

Help your children prepare for the September PSLE schedule with these tips. We also listed the exam dates that parents need to keep in mind.

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The September PSLE schedule is just around the corner. This section holds the second part of the language exams for primary students. Aside from the listening comprehension, the September PSLE schedule includes the first half of the written tests.

One of the significant turning points in your child’s academic career includes the results of the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). Apart from the usual English examination, your kids need to take other PSLE for other languages.

For the September PSLE schedule, students continue the next part of English and focus on languages. After they completed the oral examination last August, your kids need to prepare for the listening comprehension tests.

To boost your child’s confidence, we encourage parents to help their kids prepare for the following PSLE schedule. With this, you can mentally prepare your children to proudly take their exams. Our tips also include how to help your child manage unexpected PSLE results.

5 Tips To Help Your Kids Prepare for the September PSLE Schedule

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For the September PSLE schedule, MOE lined up the succeeding parts of the language examinations. This part is different from the oral PSLE that your kids finished last August.

Fortunately, we compiled versatile tips that can be applied to any type of PSLE. You may also use our prep tips to help your kids study for other major exams in the future.

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Come Up With a Study and Review Plan

This entry is a given to most PSLE study tips but we think it’s the safest and best trick in the book. Coming up with an effective study and review plan is essential to helping your children pass the PSLEs.

To accomplish an effective study schedule, parents need to assess their children’s learning pace. If you enrolled them on enrichment centres, we encourage you to establish a study plan with their tutors.

Additionally, your kids’ tutors help in identifying the subjects that need more priority. They can also assist you in developing reviews that won’t be too stressful after an intense study session.

For the September PSLE schedule, students need to take the listening comprehension examination for English and other languages. This will be followed by the first half of the written examinations.

If you already have a study plan for PSLE English and other languages, we suggest you adjust it for listening comprehension. This part of the exams further challenges your children’s fluency and grammar.

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Schedule a Healthy Amount of Rest

After coming up with a PSLE study plan, we suggest parents include resting times and breaks. These breaks can include naps or some off time where your children can play games or entertain themselves.

Some parents may disagree with the distraction of games or TV shows. However, adding these types of breaks between serious study sessions helps your children unwind and relax.

Moreover, we encourage you to use this time to distract them from the stress caused by the PSLE schedule. By doing this, you ease their anxiety and boost their confidence once it’s time to get back to studying.

Divide School Holidays Between Rest and Study

The September school holidays provide our kids with more time to study and rest while preparing for the PSLE schedule. Because of this, we advise parents to not only focus on studying during the holidays and long weekends.

During your children’s long breaks, we suggest parents take some time away from home. You can a trip in advance or visit a nearby park. Both children and parents need to take a breather.

Additionally, parents can use this opportunity to incorporate studying while on break. Help your children practice English and their language focus by conversing with them.

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You don’t need to do this during the whole holiday break but it’s a great idea to enhance your child’s skills and fluency. Alternatively, you can dedicate specific days for studying and breaks.

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Always Show Support

Because of the weight of the PSLE results, your children can’t help but worry about their performance. The stress also affects their mental health in the long run because of the exams’ importance.

If you know your child’s learning pace, you can help them prepare properly for the PSLE. However, none of us can know if they can achieve the results they hope to gain. If they ultimately fail, they can’t apply to their dream schools.

Because of these what-ifs, your child may start to develop a fear of the next PSLE schedule. Additionally, the September PLSE schedule might add more stress because it requires a lot of skills for the listening comprehension examinations.

By knowing all these causes of stress, we urge parents to always show their support to their children. The serious study session will take a toll on their mental health; they need all the support they can get.

Motivate Them With Future After PSLE

We all know the seriousness associated with PSLE results. Because of this, your children might have trouble imagining their future after the PSLEs.

Because of this, we encourage parents to talk to their kids about their dreams and goals. With this, they can distract their thoughts and take a much-needed break.

Additionally, conversing about their future goals motivates them into enhancing their skills. They also get that much-needed confidence boost before taking their upcoming PSLE schedule.

Upcoming September PSLE Schedule

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To further prepare your kids’ studies, we compiled the upcoming September PSLE schedule this 2022. With this, you can properly assess how to apply the prep tips for your kid’s study sessions for PSLE.

As you read the schedule below, please note that the durations may change once the exams commence.

Schedule for 16 September 2022 PSLE

0900 – 0935 Chinese Language
Malay Language
Tamil Language
0900 – 0940 Chinese Language (Foundation)
Malay Language (Foundation)
Tamil Language (Foundation)
0900 – 0930 Bengali Language
Gujarati Language
Hindi Language
Panjabi Language
Urdu Language
Bengali Language (Foundation)
Gujarati Language (Foundation)
Hindi Language (Foundation)
Panjabi Language (Foundation)
Urdu Language (Foundation)
1115 – 1150 English Language
Foundation English Language

Schedule for 29 September 2022

0815 – 0925
1030 – 1220
English Language Paper 1
English Language Paper 2
0815 – 0925
1030 – 1150
Foundation English Language Paper 1
Foundation English Language Paper 2

Schedule for 30 September 2022

0815 – 0915
1030 – 1200
Mathematics Paper 1
Mathematics Paper 2
0815 – 0915 h
1030 – 1130
Foundation Mathematics Paper 1
Foundation Mathematics Paper 2

Written by

Kaira De la Rosa