Want to know the secret to a happy baby?

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You have the power to make your baby happy, and you'll be surprised to know that the secret lies in his tummy.

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Mums will do anything to keep their little ones happy

There are days when your little one won’t stop crying and you just can’t figure out what the problem is, even after trying all the tricks in your parenting arsenal.

Have you ever thought that your child’s outbursts might boil down to what is or what is not in his gut?

According to researchers Kim and Camilleri (2000), there are “happy hormones” in people’s bodies, and 90% of these are found in the intestines.

So, what’s the secret to a happy baby? Well, it’s making sure to keep his intestines healthy and happy!

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A happy tummy = a happy child!

Prebiotics and good bacteria

There are good and bad bacteria in intestines. Obviously, the growth of good bacteria must be supported as it impacts the level of “happy hormones” (Kim & Camilleri, 2000).

Prebiotics support the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

However, not all prebiotics are the same. There is an internationally-patented prebiotics blend that promotes the growth of good Bifidus bacteria, which, in turn, make for a healthy digestive system.

You can find this special blend in Dumex Mamil Gold, a brand of milk that believes in “nutrition from the heart”.

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Watch and win with Dumex – from now until 28 February 2015!

If you want to learn more about how to keep your baby’s gut healthy and win prizes in the process, it’s as easy as ABC!

Win fabulous prizes with Dumex!

Here are the fabulous prizes that you can win:

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  • Grand Prize – 6 months’ supply of Dumex® Mamil® Gold Milk Formula*, 1 winner per week.
  • Consolation Prize – Skip Hop Insulated Food Jar (worth $34.90 each), 50 winners per week.

So, how do you get the chance to win these amazing prizes?

Find out on the next page!

Step A: Watch this video!

Step B

Upload your purchase receipt of any Dumex product HERE… and don’t forget to click the “submit” button. You get 10 chances to win per receipt.

Step C

Don’t forget to share this video with your friends for more chances of winning!

SHARE the video with your friends and receive 5 additional chances to win 6 months’ supply of Dumex® Mamil® Gold Milk Formula. You can view past winners here.

So dear mums, what are you waiting for? Start watching, sharing and winning today!

And remember, the other very important part of having a happy baby is your unconditional love.

Please click here for terms and conditions of this competition. 


Kim and Camilleri, 2000. Am. J. Gastroenterology. 90(10), pp.2698-709.

Do tell us your sweet stories of things you do to keep your little angel happy! Please comment below…

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Written by

Nalika Unantenne