Schoolboys are frequenting prostitutes

Our kids may seem more elusive as they get older. Some even shut us out of their lives completely. Sigh, this is what we call the tough teen years. However, it is still important to be aware of their ins and outs. Are they being promiscuous or visiting brothels? Take our quiz to find out how well you know your kid…

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Just last month we heard about a 14-year old that had undergone four abortions without the knowledge of her parents and now it is reported that young underaged schoolboys make up 3% of the clientele frequenting whore houses in the Klang Valley, Malaysia.

Chief Azmi Othman, political party leader said that the brothels were situated less than 500 meters from local police stations. He said: "Gaming outlets are also located near the brothels. Don't tell me the police are not aware of what is going on. Furthermore, the brothels have been directly offering sex services, without having to use massage parlours or karaokes as fronts.”

Easy access to brothels

The most disturbing point is that underaged youth are legally forbidden to smoke, drink and even enter entertainment outlets; yet getting into prostitute dens isn’t a challenge.

Azmi added: "Here we have schoolboys entering brothels easily and paying hookers for sex. We have so far monitored brothels in four locations, and found that between 10% and 15% of the thousands of customers are barely 21, and between 3% and 5% are under 18."

How well do you know your teen?

We have a list of questions that you can ask yourself to determine how well you know your growing kid. Are they living a double life, and secretly doing things that might be your worst nightmare?

1. When was the last time your child shared what happened during their day with you? A. 24-hours ago  B. Last week  C. I don’t recall D. Never

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2. Do you know your kid’s fave rock band or heartthrob?

3. Are you familiar with your teen’s worst pet peeve?

4. Who is your kid’s best friend. Who does he/she hang out with most of the time?

5. Do you know the names of at least three of your kid’s pals?

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6. Do you talk to your child everyday about everything, or is the conversation forced and one sided?

7. Do you know your child’s fave movie?

8. Do you know your kid’s fave meal/food/snack?

9. Are you vary of which adult figure your teen admires and why?

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10. What are your teens top three priorities in life?

11. What is your teen’s fave subject or least fave subject?

12. Do you have a meal with your teen at least three times a week?

13. Who is your kid’s fave teacher?

14. What are your teens hobbies?

15. Do you have a connection with my teen online? Are you friends on Facebook or Twitter and share youtube videos?

16. Does your kid have low self esteem issues or eating disorders due to a distorted body image?

17. Who influences your teen the most when it comes to the small stuff?

18. Who helps/guides your teen with the major decisions in his/her life?

19. Do you know your teen’s values and principles and are they similar to yours?

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20. Are you there for your teen whenever they need you?

It is not easy to really know your teen, especially if they push you away. Parenting is really a delicate balance of letting go yet holding them by their straps so they won’t fall off the cliff—too eager to explore the big bad world out there.

There is no comprehensive guidebook to manage your teen because each individual is unique. But try your best to open up the lines of communication because without talking openly there is no relationship to speak of.

Do you really know your teen? Tell us your tips on being your teen's best friend.

Written by

Felicia Chin