Rotavirus Vaccine: Benefits, Schedule, Side Effects

What exactly is rotavirus infection? How effective is the rotavirus vaccine in preventing this disease?

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Have you ever ParentsHeard about rotavirus? Probably often, because rotavirus is one of the vaccines on your child’s immunization schedule .

Rotavirus is the most common virus that causes diarrhea in infants and toddlers. According to statistics, almost every 5-year-old child has had 1 rotavirus infection.

Symptoms of Rotavirus Infection

The common symptom of this disease is severe diarrhea. The presence of this virus can be detected through examination of feces or stool in the laboratory. While the transmission of the virus is through the mouth, because the virus enters and damages the intestinal wall, causing infection and diarrhea.

In infants and toddlers, this type of infection can cause complications such as severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. This is due to the loss of body fluids due to continuous diarrhea, vomiting and fever.

Some symptoms that we can see are:

  • Diarrhea up to 20 times a day
  • Vomiting up to 15 times a day
  • Fever up to 39.4ºC or even higher
  • Pain around the stomach
  • Loss of appetite

Babies aged 3 to 24 months are at high risk of contracting this disease. Therefore, give rotavirus vaccine according to the doctor’s or posyandu immunization schedule.

Is Rotavirus Infection Contagious?

This type of infection is highly contagious and spreads quickly through hands or any object that has been contaminated. This virus can survive on the surface of contaminated objects for days because it is resistant to nature.

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Transmission between families is very easy to occur. Research shows that at least among 102 adults, 36 of them also suffered from rotavirus while they were caring for their children. Even this disease can be transmitted through child interactions at school.

Rotavirus Infection Treatment

There is no specific treatment for this infection, except preventing dehydration through fluid intake into the body. This virus cannot be stopped with antibiotics .

Symptoms generally subside or disappear within 3-8 days. However, if severe dehydration occurs, the sufferer will need to be treated in hospital.


There is no other way to prevent it except through vaccination and maintaining cleanliness. Sometimes, even vaccinated babies can still suffer from this disease because rotavirus viruses are diverse.

Keep your hands and anything that goes into your mouth clean. Don’t forget to wash your hands after changing diapers and going to the bathroom. Let’s take preventive measures for your family immediately.

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When is the Rotavirus Vaccine Given?

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) recommends giving rotavirus immunization to children at the age of 2 months. There are currently 2 types of rotavirus vaccines circulating in Indonesia, namely:

  • Rotateq

The vaccine is given in 3 doses, the first dose at 6-14 weeks of age, while the second dose is given after 4-8 weeks. Then, the third dose is given at a maximum of 8 months of age.

  • Rotarix

Given in 2 doses. The first dose is given at 10 weeks of age and the second dose at 14 weeks of age (maximum at 6 months of age). 

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Quoting from the NHS , babies need 2 rotavirus vaccinations with a minimum gap of 4 weeks to be fully protected.

If the baby misses the first dose, the vaccine can be given up to 15 weeks of age. However, if the baby misses the second dose, the vaccine can be given up to 24 weeks of age.

All doses of rotavirus vaccine should be completed before the child reaches 8 months of age.

How Effective is the Rotavirus Vaccine?

The rotavirus vaccine is very effective and provides good protection against rotavirus infection. It is possible for babies to get rotavirus infection after vaccination, but this is rare and usually the symptoms are milder than if they had not been vaccinated.

It is not known exactly how long the rotavirus vaccine provides protection. However, studies have shown that 2 doses of the vaccine can protect a child for several years.

Reported from the official website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in clinical trials, Rotateq showed 98% effective protection against severe rotavirus gastroenteraaaaaitis symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and behavioral changes.

This type of vaccine also provides 74% protection against gastroenteritis of any severity. For example, stomach and intestinal inflammation caused by rotavirus during the first season (around December to June) after vaccination.

Babies vaccinated with Rotateq were also 94% less likely to experience serious symptoms requiring emergency room treatment and 96% less likely to be hospitalized during the first two years after vaccination.

On the other hand, two clinical trials found the rotavirus vaccine Rotarix had 85 to 96% protection against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis across two seasons (December to June).

One study found Rotarix was 96% effective in reducing hospitalizations through two rotavirus seasons.

Is Rotavirus Vaccine Safe?

Before being approved for distribution, the rotavirus vaccine had been tested on more than 70,000 children and was proven safe.

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However, an earlier vaccine, called RotaShield, was withdrawn from the market after two years of use because it was found to slightly increase the risk of intussusception.

This is a condition in which the small intestine folds back into another part of the intestine, causing intestinal obstruction.

The Rotateq and Rotarix vaccines currently in use do not increase the risk of intussusception at all and are considered completely safe.

Conditions in Children Who Should Not Receive the Rotavirus Vaccine

After administering the rotavirus vaccine, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the child has any allergic reactions.

Reporting fromWebMD, children who have had a severe allergic reaction to a previous dose of rotavirus vaccine should not be given a subsequent dose of the vaccine.

If a baby is suffering from a moderate or severe illness at the time the vaccination is scheduled, it is best to wait until the baby has recovered before vaccinating. 

The CDC also recommends seeing a doctor if your baby’s immune system is compromised. Things that can compromise the immune system include:

  • Exposure to HIV/AIDS or other diseases involving the immune system
  • Long-term steroid treatment
  • Cancer or cancer treatment with X-rays or drugs

Side effects

Most babies will have no problems at all after receiving the rotavirus vaccine. Some common symptoms that may occur are that the baby may be restless, fussy, and have mild diarrhea for a few days after the vaccination.

It is important to note that any vaccine has the potential to cause a serious allergic reaction. Signs of an allergic reaction to watch out for include:

In very rare cases, the vaccine may cause:

  • Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)
  • Blockage in the baby’s intestines (intussusception)

However, in general the rotavirus vaccine has a very small risk of serious reactions.

Before your little one receives any vaccines, it is a good idea toParentsTalk directly with your doctor or healthcare provider about any questions you have or concerns about the rotavirus vaccine.

Rotavirus vaccine overview

Rotavirus Vaccination

Your Child’s Immunizations: Rotavirus Vaccine (RV)

Rotavirus (RV) Vaccine

Imunisasi Rotavirus, Manfaat, dan Kapan Vaksin Rotavirus Diberikan

About Rotavirus Vaccine

Republished with permission from theAsianParent Indonesia

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