Raising a Taurus Baby? Find Out the Traits and Challenges You May Face

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Medium Ashleigh looks at the traits of a Taurus baby (Apr 19 - May 20) and highlights the challenges you may face according to your star sign.

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Raising a Taurus Baby? Find Out the Traits and Challenges You May Face

Taurus baby | April 19 – May 20

Taurus is the fixed earth sign in the zodiac and as it sounds, these little Taurean children live the meaning of slow and steady wins the race.

You can expect your little Taurean baby to showcase a laid back, genuinely friendly nature about them. (Breathe a sigh of relief mum, you’ve got a relatively easy one here!).

The Taurus in them gives them a natural patience and gentleness, happy to lay around gurgling into space and a natural sleepiness that means sleep is not something of a challenge for them (often too much sleep is!).

You may need earplugs at some stage

Being more down to earth, they’re more drawn to the outdoors and you can expect your little Taurus baby to become a bit restless if they’ve been kept inside for too long. They naturally prefer bright, sunny days with the breeze against their toes.

The Taurus baby loves singing and being sung to, which is something that will stick throughout their childhood (and even adult) years. Once your little baby finds their voice, they will not easily be silenced from cooing and gurgling. Nor will they be silenced no matter how good (or bad) their voice is later in life!

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As laid back and easy going as the Taurus baby is, you will also find yourself seeing a very stubborn and self-indulgent side take form early on. If your Taurus baby does not instantly take to someone, there is a hard chance of developing a strong bond between the two of them. If your Taurus baby wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, all efforts to alleviate their mood could prove frustratingly pointless (luckily, these are fewer and further in between).

Get clever in the kitchen?

The Taurus baby is prone to overeating and loves good food, so be careful that your little one doesn’t overindulge and give themselves a belly ache! For the Taurean toddler, they will either love a food or hate it. If they do not like something, they are quite happy to sit there all night and go without rather than eating what they have been given and do not desire.

You may just find yourself cooking an extra meal occasionally to convince them to eat!

Taurean babies are generally the sloppier, messy babies of the zodiac. You can expect milk stains and dribble to be a common theme raising these little ones!

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How to parent a Taurean baby according to their star sign



As an Aries personality, you have a naturally positive, energetic and happy approach which will push the lazy Taurean child to get out of their comfort zone and take more risks. Aries mothers love days outdoors exploring, which will create wonderful harmony and common ground between mother and child.


An Aries mum can develop a “because I said so” attitude, which can result in long-winded, stubborn arguments as the Taurean child will continue to slowly but surely, attempt to break mum down in a bid to win the argument. Taurean children like to win through slow but sure tactics, which can create repetitive arguments surrounding the one key issue as opposed to dealing with it and moving forward.



The Taurus mum is patient and diplomatic, which allows for a lot of understanding and common ground between mum and child. Taurus mums are quite often musically and artistically creative with their children, which the Taurean child will enjoy as they explore their own musical talents.


Taurus mums can at times be a little lazy and sloppy, which can heighten the Taurus child’s natural laziness and sloppiness. This can then frustrate the Taurus mother when they are left to pick up the load. Slow and steady might win the race, but just how long are we willing to leave the housework?

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Gemini mums tend to have a youthful, “cool” attitude and appearance with their children. They are natural charismatics with strong viewpoints, which can benefit the naturally shy Taurean child to develop important life skills about confronting their fears regarding holding conversations with strangers.


Gemini mums are heavily defined by thought and quick-wit, with a less emotional complex. Gemini mothers can potentially become unemotional, showcasing their affection and love through practical and materialistic means rather than emotional support and conversation. Taurean children are more laid back and down to earth, but can be prone to being too materialistic and can develop a monetary expectation to good deeds.



Cancerian mums are often quite nurturing and intuitive, figuring out with ease just what their children need and when. This natural intuitive/care taking approach to parenting benefits all zodiacs, but with the Taurus side of things is exceptionally beneficial in allowing the Taurus to trust their own natural judgement of others.

The Taurus child will decide upon meeting someone whether or not they will interact, which the Cancerian mother will naturally support – allowing the Taurean child to feel more independent with their freedom of choosing who they do and do not interact with.


Cancerian mums are quite often overprotective and controlling, which can heighten the Taureans natural shyness towards to the point of social self-exclusion. The Cancerian mother will have to be on guard that they do not protect too much, as the laid back Taurus will happily allow their mothers to bubble them and keep them safe and nurtured, even at the cost of missing out on exciting and fun opportunities.



Leo mothers tend to be more proactive on creative endeavours (such as arts) and sharing exciting times with their children. This is beneficial to the laid back Taurus as it shows them that there is more to life than just sitting around indulging in food and sleeping.

The brightness that sparks off a Leo in the early hours of the morning will naturally uplift the sleepy, lazy Taurus and help them start their day on a positive note (which for a Taurus, means more positive days in general!).


Leo mums can at times be overdramatic and stubborn regarding situations, which can leave the laid- back Taurus child feeling exasperated (insert eye roll here). The Taurus child will naturally try to downplay the situation, throwing sarcastic comments that can easily anger the Leo mother further.



Virgo mums commonly have a highly energetic, fun and witty approach to their parenting. The Taurean child whilst at times will get heavily exhausted, will also reap being out and about having fun and enjoying the outdoors. Virgo mums also push their children mentally, which is a great skill for the naturally more practical Taurus to learn.


Virgo mums can at times be overly demanding and critical of their children, especially as a Virgo mum tends to be able to read a situation in a detailed, precise and logical manner.

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It can be hard at times for the Virgo mum to understand her Taurean child’s natural laziness, particularly around the home (seriously, it isn’t that hard, clothes go IN the basket!). Or especially as the Virgo mum can see the Taurus child doing tasks in the long, harder way rather than attempting to finish a task quickly with ease.



Libran mothers tend to be natural planners and are fair minded, with the Taurus child finding great comfort in routine and stability. Libran mothers also tend to have an appreciation for the arts and will get great enjoyment out of sharing songs with their little ones.


Libran mothers can adapt a laziness similar to that of a Taurus. The laziness means that chores build up, tasks are left to last minute and then the Libran mother can outburst once it all becomes too overwhelming for her at her Taureans laziness.



Scorpio mothers tend to be quite emotional and compassionate towards their children. This heavily benefits the more laid back Taurean child in feeling more self-assured around the home and life.


Scorpios generally have a very protective streak and can come across as strict or stubborn. They need to be careful that this doesn’t cross over with socialising with others, or the naturally shy Taurus might end up self-excluding them from all social circles.

The Scorpio mother can become easily frustrated by their Taurean child’s stubbornness. Scorpio mothers can also be quite moody, which will set up for either an extremely great day together, or an extremely bad one from the moment they wake up.



The Sagittarius mother will often be about inspiring and stimulating their children through intellectual means, but also maintain a fair-minded approach.

Whilst at first this may prove challenging and frustrating for both mum and child, the long term benefits of balancing out more practical means with the intellect will give rise to a child that is capable of studying and being anything or anyone they want.


Sagittarius mothers can at times be stubborn and struggle to take responsibility for their mistakes. This can create conflict with the sometimes too honest and blunt Taurean child, with mum finding herself in a position of defence rather than natural authority.



Capricorn mums are often found providing common sense solutions to their children’s problems. They will have a natural proud appreciation for the similarities they share in problem solving with their Taurean child.


On the negative, Capricorn mothers at times struggle to forgive and forget their children’s wrongdoings by them. This can create heated arguments that go in circles over time between the naturally stubborn Taurean child, as they too take their time to forgive and move forward.



Aquarians are naturally all about the people and an Aquarian mother will naturally develop a strong sense of humanitarianism in their naturally selfish Taurean. The Aquarius mother will also often push the Taurean child out of their comfort zone and convince them to socialise with perceived strangers, appreciating the importance of conversation as a means of learning.


Aquarius mothers have stubborn and analytical mindsets that are less emotional in nature. This can give rise to a very unemotional relationship between the Aquarius mother and the Taurean child over the years. Aquarian mothers will often have to be careful about buying into materialistic rewards too much to the point of the Taurean child developing materialistic expectations.



Piscean mothers are naturally intuitive, emotional and nurturing which will allow the more materialistic Taurean child to learn more of the importance of balancing the practical side of life with things just as important, such as their emotional wellbeing and their intellectual capabilities.


On the negative, Piscean mothers can become dependent on their Taurean children, who are often found willing to help out with practical, materialistic means that don’t always come as easily to the Piscean mother.

This article has been republished with permission from Kidspot.