If there is a lesson to be learnt from this is this; never air your dirty laundry in public. Some one listening into your conversation could take your seemingly private conversation to social media.
Caught unaware
Here’s an extraordinary story about one man’s cheating antics exposed and shared by 183,000 times by a complete stranger on Facebook. How did this happen, you ask? Very simple…
The allegedly cheating idiot was bragging to his friend about his numerous affairs while on a 2-hour train ride from Philadelphia. He was going on and on about his romps and how his wife is not smart enough to find out.
RELATED: What to do when your husband wants to end the marriage?
Who is the dimwit now?
Steph Strayer took a photo of this man and decided to expose him by posting the below message on Facebook thinking that public shame would be the most effective way:
“If this is your husband, I have endured a 2 hour train ride from Philadelphia listening to this loser and his friends brag about their multiple affairs and how their wives are too stupid to catch on. Oh please repost…”
RELATED: How to tell your husband is cheating on you
The debate of public shame on social media
Is it right to publicly humiliate a stranger on social media platforms? Is it right to keep the wife in the dark while his alleged cheat goes on with his discreet affairs? What if the children find out via Facebook when they see their father’s image going viral as being an unfaithful man? That could really do some emotional damage. How serious and damaging are the repercussions for this alleged cheater?
RELATED: Public shame–punishing your child on Facebook
How to catch a cheater
Public shame on Twitter
Not too long ago, Adria Richard, a developer evangelist was let go of SendGrid when she Tweeted a compliant about the sexist comments made by two gentlemen who were sitting close to her at a PyCon conference about “forking” and “dongles”. The two men she Tweeted about was also fired from PlayHaven due to their jokes.
The CEO of SendGrid wrote on his blog:
“A SendGrid developer evangelist’s responsibility is to build and strengthen our Developer Community across the globe. In light of the events over the last 48+ hours, it has become obvious that her [Richards’] actions have strongly divided the same community she was supposed to unite. As a result, she can no longer be effective in her role at SendGrid. … In the end, the consequences that resulted from how she reported the conduct put our business in danger.
Her decision to tweet the comments and photographs of the people who made the comments crossed the line. Publicly shaming the offenders — and bystanders — was not the appropriate way to handle the situation. … Needless to say, a heated public debate ensued. The discourse, productive at times, quickly spiraled into extreme vitriol.”
Was the man a real cheat?
The man boasting about his conquests on the train could have been lying just to “impress” friends. Or maybe he really was cheating. No one knows if the wife found out about the alleged cheating. Is public shame the way to do it—should Steph Strayer do the right thing by going the social media outlet?
RELATED: Why men cheat and can a woman stop him?
Watch this video on a cell phone spyware to catch cheating spouses
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