The secret to providing your child with proper nutrition

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For your child's 360° Development he needs adequate nutrition with nutrients that can be easily digested and absorbed to keep his little tummy happy. Find out how you can achieve all this here...

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Your child goes through some pretty amazing developmental changes from above age six to 12 months!

From cooing and talking to crawling and walking, children go through an amazing amount of physical and developmental changes in a short time. In fact, many mums marvel at how fast their little ones grow into cheeky, confident toddlers.

In much the same way, children also have changing nutritional requirements especially during the early years of rapid growth.

Because of this, it is important to support your child’s well-rounded development with proper nutrition. 

It is equally important to keep his delicate tummy happy with nutrients he can digest, such as partially hydrolyzed proteins and low lactose.

On the next page, find out why both 360° Development and giving your child nutrients that are easy to absorb and digest are equally important in keeping your little one (and his tummy!) happy.

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What is 360° development?

As a mum, you know how important developmental milestones are. 360° Development refers to your child’s overall mental and physical development in relation to developmental milestones in four key areas.

The following table shows these four important areas of development with some of the related activities that your child (above six months) might already be doing.

The connection between proper nutrition and 360° development

Here is some amazing science for you. During early childhood, your little one is making a multitude of important connections that impact his development.

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It is crucial, then, to provide your child with proper nutrition during this time. Your above six to 12 months old child, for example, requires many significant nutrients, including Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), one of the most important building blocks for brain development.1

There are many other important nutrients your child will need during his early years. He needs proteins for physical growth, carbohydrates like lactose for overall mental and physical development, and many more nutrients that will all contribute to his overall 360° Development.

Providing your child with balanced nutrition is crucial. But is this enough?

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Research shows that Asian children are more likely to have delicate tummies and therefore, need nutrients that can easily be digested.

A happy tummy means a happy child!

While it is important to provide your child with nutrients that support overall mental and physical development, it is equally important that these nutrients are easily digested and absorbed by young, delicate tummies.

Delicate tummies are common in Asian children. As many as 87 percent of children of different ages may have digestive problems or may have difficulty digesting nutrients like protein and lactose due to immature digestive systems. 2-4

Foods that contain partially hydrolyzed proteins and low lactose can help to keep your child’s delicate tummy happy.

Mums, did you know you can help keep your little one’s delicate tummy and digestive system happy? Research has shown that partially hydrolyzed proteins and low lactose can help to reduce babies’ fussiness, gas, crying, and spit-up.5

Technological advancement using PHP (Protein Hydrolysation Process) technology produces partially hydrolyzed proteins that are smaller in size, making them easier to digest and absorb without causing nutrient loss and maintaining nutritional balance.

Find out about the important nutrients found in Enfamil A+ Gentlease Stage 2 on the next page, or click here.

360° Development. Happy Tummies.

It is important that your child receives optimum nutrition to help support well-rounded development. What’s equally important for a child with a delicate tummy is to have better digestion and better absorption of key nutrients to support overall growth and development.

That’s why Mead Johnson Nutrition designed Enfamil A+ Gentlease Stage 2 with 360° DHA PLUS that provides balanced nutrition:

  • Scientifically formulated with 17mg* DHA & 34mg* ARA. It has DHA levels that help meet recommendations** for infants 6-12 months. DHA & ARA are important building blocks for brain and eye development for your child.
  • Contains partially hydrolyzed protein derived from PHP technology (Protein Hydrolysation Process). Partially hydrolyzed protein helps in easy digestion.
  • Low lactose formula

To find out more about the new Enfamil A+ Gentlease Stage 2, click here.

* per 100kcal

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** FAO/WHO recommends daily DHA intake of 10-12mg/kg body weight for infants 6-12 months. Reference: FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no. 91. FAO: Rome

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. After six months of age, infants should receive age-appropriate foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.



1. Innis SM. Dietary (n-3) fatty acids and brain development. J Nutr 2007;137:855-859.

2. Lee, A. J., Thalayasingam, M., & Lee, B. W. Food allergy in Asia: how does it compare? Asia Pacific Allergy. 2013; 3(1), 3.

3. Kim, K. H., Kang, S. B., & Yoon, S. S. Distributions and Incidences of Elementary School Children with Lactose Intolerance Symptoms after Drinking Milk in Korea. 한국축산식품학회지.2011; 31(6), 893-898.

4. Tadesse K1, Leung DT, Yuen RC.  The status of lactose absorption in Hong Kong Chinese children. Acta Paediatr. 1992 Aug;81(8):598-600.

5. Berseth CL, Johnston WH, Stolz SI, Harris CL, Mitmesser SH. Clinical response to 2 commonly used switch formulas occurs within 1 day. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2009 Jan;48(1):58-65.

Mums, how do you keep your child’s delicate tummy happy and support his 360° Development at the same time? Do let us know by leaving a comment below. 

Written by

Nalika Unantenne