Prince George celebrates 4th birthday with adorable new portrait!

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Time certainly flies with kids, whether you are a Royal or not!

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Our favourite little prince, George, is a big boy now – all of four years old! To commemorate the royal occasion, this little man got his very own, brand new portrait.

The future king of England looks like a very happy little boy in the portrait, which shows him flashing his pearly whites in a a big, sunny smile. 

While the youngster’s birthday was on 22 July, his party was held yesterday (don’t worry, we’ll bring you pictures soon!). 

What a gorgeous, sunny smile he has!

Kensington Palace said in a statement: “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to share a new official portrait of Prince George to mark His Royal Highness’s fourth birthday. The photograph was taken at Kensington Palace at the end of June by Chris Jackson, Getty Images Royal Photographer.”

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Mr Jackson said: “I’m thrilled and honoured that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen to release this portrait to celebrate Prince George’s fourth birthday. He is such a happy little boy and certainly injects some fun into a photoshoot!”

The lead up to this adorable little prince’s birthday was spent in Poland and Germany with his little sister and his parents, where in typical style, they made us giggle and say ‘awwww’ simultaneously with their cute antics. 

Four years have whizzed by!

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A big year for a little boy

Prince George has a busy year ahead of him as he starts ‘big boy school’ in September. George will be one of the youngest in his class, and his mum has said she doesn’t know if he “has any idea what’s going to hit him” when he starts school! 

The little boy will join private day school  Thomas’s Battersea, where kids are exposed to Art, ballet, drama, ICT, French, music and physical education (taught by specialist teachers) from their very first day in school.

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The adorable siblings – one very sleepy, the other loving her little bouquet! And check out those cute outfits.

Royal cuties in Germany and Poland

Last week, the little prince and his sister made our hearts melt with their cuteness while on an ‘official’ tour with their parents in Germany and Poland. 

Princess Charlotte threw a few tantrums, in typical toddler style. We hear that she wanted some papers her mummy was holding, but was not given them. So, the little girl just had to stomp her tiny little feet in sheer frustration (we hear you, little one). 

A right royal little tantrum!

The Duchess of Cambridge, quite used to handling these public tantrums, got down to her daughter’s eye level and spoke a few calming words which did the trick. But soon after that, the tiny princess took a tumble and started crying again, after which her mummy carried her (high-heels and all). 

We love just how normal the royal family is, despite their celebrity status. Here’s wishing little George a fantastic year ahead! 

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Written by

Nalika Unantenne