How Can You Register for a Primary School's Open House?

Primary school's open house is a must-do for you and your child's preparation for the actual school year. See what to expect below.

Choosing the right primary school for your child is a crucial decision that balances their needs and your preferences. The primary school years are foundational to your child’s learning and development. The primary school’s open house is one of the informative meetings held in school. It usually happens at the beginning of the school year and on an evening. This is where parents and students get the chance to visit the school before it formally begins. Attending an open house can provide invaluable insights into a school’s environment, culture, and offerings. 

Key Considerations Before Attending an Open House

When selecting a primary school, it’s important to consider several key factors to ensure the best fit for your child’s needs and your family’s circumstances.

1. Your Child’s Interests

Each school offers unique programmes and Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs). Consider your child’s interests in sports, arts, or music, and select a school that provides opportunities to nurture these strengths. Engaging in activities they love can enhance their school experience and personal development.

2. Travel Time and Distance to School

Choosing a school close to your home can significantly impact your child’s daily routine. A shorter commute saves time and travel costs, allowing your child more rest and energy for school and other activities. It also reduces the stress of long travel times, contributing to a better overall learning environment.

3. Mother Tongue Languages

Studying a Mother Tongue Language (MTL) helps your child communicate more effectively in MTL, appreciate their cultural heritage, and connect with wider communities. The three official MTLs in the national curriculum are Chinese, Malay, and Tamil. Use tools like SchoolFinder to check which MTLs are offered by each school to ensure your child can continue learning their MTL of choice.

4. School Culture

Understanding a school’s culture is essential to determine if it aligns with your child’s learning style and your family’s values. Attend open houses to get a feel of the school’s environment, interact with students and staff, and learn about their educational philosophies and daily routines. This firsthand experience can be invaluable in making an informed decision.

5. Special Educational Needs

If your child has special educational needs, it’s crucial to select a school equipped to provide the necessary support. Look for schools with dedicated resources, specialised staff, and inclusive programs that cater to diverse learning requirements, ensuring your child receives a supportive and effective education.

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What to Expect at a School Open House

Open houses offer a unique opportunity to explore potential schools. Here are some key aspects to expect during an open house visit:

  • Meet the teachers – Engage with your child’s potential teachers to understand their teaching styles and expectations.
  • Learn about the curriculum – Get detailed information on the school’s curriculum and specific programs that might benefit your child.
  • Classroom strategies – Discover classroom strategies that you can also implement at home to support your child’s learning.
  • Tour the school – Explore the school premises to see the facilities and environment where your child will spend their day.
  • Emergency contacts – Meet key personnel you may need to contact in case of emergencies or concerns.
  • Socialise with co-parents – Connect with other parents, share experiences, and build a support network.
  • Familiarise with the school place – Acquaint yourself with the school layout, helping your child feel more comfortable on their first day.

How to Register for a Primary School Open House

Many primary schools in Singapore conduct open houses throughout the year. Here’s how you can register:

Check School Websites

Visit the websites of schools you are interested in to find open house schedules and registration details. Each school may have different procedures and dates for their open houses, so it’s important to stay informed.

Online Registration

Due to the pandemic, many open houses are now conducted online. Some schools require parents to register on their website to join these virtual sessions. Ensure you complete the registration process early to secure a spot and receive the necessary information about the event.

Virtual Tours

Take advantage of virtual tours if available. These tours can provide a comprehensive overview of the school’s facilities, programs, and culture from the comfort of your home. Virtual tours are often supplemented with live Q&A sessions with school staff, providing a chance to ask specific questions.

Contact the School

If you cannot find open house information on the school’s website, consider contacting the school directly. School administrative offices can provide you with the latest details on upcoming open houses and registration procedures.


SchoolFinder is an invaluable resource for parents navigating the Primary 1 registration process. It enables you to explore schools based on criteria such as proximity to your home, locations, Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs), subjects, and programs offered. This comprehensive tool helps you make an informed decision about the best school to meet your child’s needs and preferences. To start your search and discover detailed school options, visit the SchoolFinder portal.

For list of primary schools open house schedule, check this website: 

Open House for Primary Schools 2024

Attending a primary school open house is a critical step in the school selection process. By understanding your child’s needs and considering key factors such as interests, travel time, MTL offerings, school culture, and special educational needs, you can make an informed decision. Open houses provide a valuable opportunity to gather information and get a feel for the school environment. Registering for these events, whether online or in-person, ensures you have all the information needed to choose the best primary school for your child’s foundational years.

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Written by

Patricia Wang