Primary 1 Maths Syllabus: What Singapore Parents Need To Know

Here's all you need to know about the Singapore schools' Primary 1 Maths syllabus.

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This is for all you parents who have kids going into Primary 1 next year. We hope this will give you an idea of what the Primary 1 Maths syllabus includes.

This information is courtesy of the Singapore Ministry of Education.

The Primary 1 Maths syllabus consists of the main areas: whole numbers, money, measurement & geometry and statistics.


Numbers up to 100

  • Counting to tell the number of objects in a given set
  • Number notation, representations and place values (tens, ones)
  • Reading and writing numbers in numerals and in words
  • Comparing the number of objects in two or more sets
  • Comparing and ordering numbers
  • Patterns in number sequences
  • Ordinal numbers (first, second, up to tenth) and symbols (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)
  • Number bonds for numbers up to 10

Basic addition and subtraction is part of the Primary 1 Maths syllabus.

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Addition and Subtraction

  • Concepts of addition and subtraction
  • Use of +, – and =
  • Relationship between addition and subtraction
  • Adding more than two 1-digit numbers
  • Addition and subtraction within 100
  • Adding and subtracting using algorithms
  • Solving 1-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 20
  • Mental calculation involving addition and subtraction (within 20, of a 2-digit number and ones without renaming and of a 2-digit number and tens)

Multiplication and Division

  • Concepts of multiplication and division
  • Use of x
  • Multiplying within 40
  • Dividing within 20
  • Solving 1-step word problems involving multiplication and division with pictorial representation


  • Counting amount of money (in cents up to $1 and in dollars up to $100)
  • Solving 1-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of money in dollars only (or in cents only)

Kids also learn about the basics of money in the Primary 1 Maths Syllabus.

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  • Length – Measuring and comparing the length of objects in non-standard units
  • Time – Telling time to the hour/half hour



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  • Identifying, naming, describing and classifying 2D shapes (rectangle, square, circle, and triangle)
  • Making or completing patterns with 2D shapes according to one or two of the following attributes – size, shape, colour and orientation

Kids will learn about picture graphs in the statistics subsection


Data representation and interpretation

  • Picture graphs – reading and interpreting data from picture graphs

Parents, we hope you find this information useful. What do you think of this syllabus? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Also READ: Primary 1 English Syllabus

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Written by

Minoli Almeida