4 Exercises for Dads to Improve Strength and Prepare for Fatherhood

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So you're going to be a dad. First of all, congratulations! It's going to be one exciting ride. Fatherhood isn't for the weak-hearted, and while physical strength doesn't determine how good of a dad you're going to be, it does help. Here are some physical challenges you'll be facing as a dad, and how you can prepare for them:

The challenge: Holding your baby for long periods of time

You’ll be spending a lot of your time holding and rocking your baby, so make sure to strengthen your lower back—an often neglected area.

Workout #1: Back extensions

To stretch and strengthen your lower back, do some back extensions. Take it easy if you have a lower back problem or experience pain. You could try lifting only your legs and leaving your arms flat on the floor if anything feels iffy.

The challenge: Energetic toddlers

Once the terrible twos come rolling in, you’ll be running around and squatting down to pick your toddler up, keeping your kid out of trouble. You’d want to master the squat lift, lest you damage your back

Workout #2:

Squat lifts or dumbbell squats. You’d want to keep your back as straight as possible, so practice without weights until you’ve got the form all sorted.

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The challenge: Carrying your kid on your shoulders

All kids love sitting on daddy’s shoulders. Avoid injury by preparing your neck and shoulders.

Workout #3:

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatches. This exercise strengthens your glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles, so you’ll get a great all-around workout.

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The challenge: Enjoying your child

You’ll want to have the energy to run around and play with your child, so make sure you have the stamina to do just that.

Workout #4: Endurance training

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Take care of your body with endurance training. Be consistent and patient, gradually increasing your distances and speed.

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Written by

Cristina Morales