This article about premature baby problems is dedicated to all the little angels who arrived into the world a little too early.
If your baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, they are considered a premature baby or a preemie.
In Singapore, the incidence of preterm births has increased in the last decade, despite having better quality medical care.
As preemies come out of the womb before they can fully develop, some will encounter short-term and long-term health problems. And the earlier a baby is born, the higher the risk of complications. Birth weight plays an important role, too.
Table of Contents
Premature Baby Meaning
A premature baby is a baby that was born too early. A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks long, so a premature baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. Premature babies are often called preemies or preemies.
Causes of Premature Birth
There are many reasons why this happens. For example, it could be that your water broke before you were 37 weeks pregnant, and you needed to have an emergency c-section. Or it could be that your baby’s growth wasn’t as strong as it should have been, and he or she could not survive in the womb any longer than he or she could.
Babies born prematurely are susceptible to complications
Premature Baby Complications
Premies are just as cute and cuddly as full-term babies, but they have a few more things to worry about.
Premature babies often have trouble breathing, feeding, regulating body temperature, and controlling blood sugar. They may also have problems with their lungs and kidneys and infections. These complications might be caused by your premature baby’s small size or the fact that his or her body isn’t fully developed yet.
They also go through many ups and downs in their first few days of life. This is because it may take them longer than normal to learn how to eat and breathe properly. Premature babies risk developing jaundice or infection because they don’t yet have fully developed immune systems that can fight off germs on their own (this is why most hospitals require extra precautions when caring for premature babies).
They may also need special care before going home from the hospital, such as physical or occupational therapy sessions, so they can learn how to swallow correctly or crawl around without falling over all the time!
Premature Baby 6 Months
Six months is a big milestone for your baby. They can sit up, they’re starting to use utensils, and they’re probably starting to get around on their own two feet. But there are still some things you should watch out for at this age.
Premature babies are more likely to have feeding problems at 6 months old than full-term babies, and it’s important to ensure that your little one is getting enough calories from breast milk or formula so that they don’t lose weight too quickly (which is easy for preemies).
You should also keep an eye out for signs of dehydration—like dry lips and tongue—and ensure that your child stays hydrated enough to prevent this condition from developing.
Premature Baby 7 Months
The first 7 months of your baby’s life are vital to their development. Not only does this period mark the time when your baby makes most of its physical growth, but it also determines how quickly they will learn and grow mentally.
At 7 months, your premature baby is likely very close to their full-term age. The most common complications for premature babies at this age include:
- feeding problems
- bacterial infections (such as pneumonia)
- sleep apnea (stopping breathing during sleep)
If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, contact your doctor immediately.
Premature Baby Brain Development
There is no doubt that being born prematurely is a stressful experience for both parents and babies. Premature babies are at risk for a number of health complications, including cerebral palsy, developmental delays and learning disabilities.
Because the brain continues to develop after birth, premature babies often have difficulty learning, memory and social skills in the early years.
While some of these problems may resolve on their own over time, there are also many things that parents can do to help their preemies develop healthy brains.
Premature Babies’ Behaviour Problems
Premature babies with higher prenatal stress levels were more likely to have behavioural problems than those with lower prenatal stress levels. The study also found that children born prematurely were more likely to have higher anxiety levels during preschool and kindergarten than those born full term.
Premature Baby Weight Problem
Premature babies are at risk for many problems, but one of the most common is weight gain. Premature babies are often underweight and can experience difficulty gaining weight even if fed according to their caloric needs.
This is because they may be unable to digest or absorb nutrients properly. In addition, premature babies need more calories than full-term infants because they have to use more energy to grow and develop.
The best way to help your premature baby gain weight is by following the guidelines of his medical team and feeding him as much as he needs. If you’re concerned about your child’s eating habits or growth patterns, talk to your doctor or nurse about what you can do to help him reach his full potential.
Crying newborn
Premature Baby Problems Later in Life
Premature babies are at risk for a host of health problems later in life, including:
- Asthma and breathing difficulties
- Learning disabilities and behavioural problems
- Cognitive impairment, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
- Vision problems
- Hearing loss
Characteristics of Premature Babies in Adulthood
Premature babies are at risk of developing several complications in adulthood. The problems associated with prematurity can be physical, mental and social.
Physical Problems
Premature babies suffer from health problems that affect their breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. They also have a higher risk of developing arthritis and cancer in later life.
Mental Problems
Premature babies are more likely to struggle with memory and learning difficulties, mood swings and depression. They may also have difficulty with social and communication skills, such as eye contact or understanding body language.
Social Problems
Part of the premature baby problems is struggling with forming relationships because they don’t have the same social skills as other children their age.
They may also find it difficult to communicate their feelings or emotions effectively because they haven’t had enough time to naturally develop these skills through interaction with others during childhood development stages such as infancy or preschool (ages 0-5).
Premature Baby Problems: Short-term Complications
Here are some premature baby problems that might start showing in the initial weeks:
Breathing problems
One of the premature baby problems is a breathing problem due to immature lung development.
Respiratory distress syndrome is when a baby has difficulty breathing due to the lack of elasticity in her lungs.
Preemies may also develop a chronic lung disease known as bronchopulmonary dysplasia, which causes the lungs to grow abnormally or inflamed.
Some preemies experience prolonged pauses in their breathing, known as apnea.
Premature infants are also at increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Low immunity
Preemies are more prone to infections because of their underdeveloped immune system. Infection in a premature baby can quickly spread to the bloodstream, causing sepsis, a life-threatening complication.
Premature infants are also especially susceptible to the Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Brain problems
The earlier a baby is born, the greater the risk of bleeding in the brain, known as an intraventricular haemorrhage.
Feeding issues
Premature babies, especially those born very early, may lack sucking and/or swallowing reflexes, making it difficult to nurse or take a bottle.
Gastro-intestinal problems
Their immature gastrointestinal systems leave preemies susceptible to complications such as necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) happens when tissue in the small or large intestine is injured or begins to die off. This causes the intestine to become inflamed.
The intestine can no longer hold waste, so bacteria and other waste products pass through the intestine and enter the baby’s bloodstream or abdominal cavity. This can make a baby very sick, possibly causing a life-threatening infection.
Studies show that breast milk reduces the chances of a premature baby getting infected with necrotising enterocolitis (NEC).
Temperature control issues
Since they lack the stored body fat of a full-term infant, preemies can lose body heat quickly. They have trouble regulating their body temperature and their body temperature can drop too low, leading to a condition called hypothermia.
Hypothermia can lead to breathing problems and low blood sugar levels.
That’s why smaller preemies require additional heat from a warmer or an incubator until they’re larger.
Blood problems
Preemies risk blood problems such as anaemia and infant jaundice (due to their immature liver).
Vision problems
Premature infants may develop retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
ROP is an eye disorder that primarily affects premature infants weighing about 1250 grams or less, who are born before 31 weeks of gestation.
This disorder—which usually develops in both eyes—is one of the most common causes of visual loss in childhood and can lead to lifelong vision impairment and blindness.
Premature Baby Problems: Long-term Complications
Here are some premature baby problems that may surface later on in life:
Developmental issues
A Finnish study has found that young adults born prematurely had weaker muscles and reported feeling less physically fit than those born at full-term.
Also, studies have shown that a premature baby is at risk of developing more social and school struggles later in life. Long-term intellectual and developmental disabilities have also been reported.
Hearing problems
Premature babies are at increased risk of hearing loss due to their low birth weight and abnormal inner ear development.
Dental problems
Preemies who have been critically ill are at increased risk of developing dental problems, such as delayed tooth eruption, tooth discolouration and improperly aligned teeth.
When the teeth of babies who are born prematurely come in, they may lack protective enamel and be more prone to decay and stain. The more premature the infant, the more likely she is to have this condition, which is known as enamel hypoplasia.
Neurological problems
Premature babies have an increased risk of developing neurological disorders later on in life. Some studies showed that babies who were born earlier had poorer test scores in reading and math compared with those born full term.
Many premature babies often grow up dealing with cerebral palsy. This might be caused by infection, inadequate blood flow or injury to a preemie’s developing brain either during pregnancy or while the baby is still young and immature.
Behavioural and Psychological Issues
Behavioural problems can be a complication for premature babies, including dealing with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Studies have shown that premature babies are at a greater risk of developing anxiety and autism.
Chronic health issues
Premature babies are more likely to have chronic health issues than full-term infants. Infections, cardiac risk factors like high blood pressure, asthma and feeding problems are more likely to develop or persist.
How to Prevent Premature Birth
The best way to help your baby grow and develop is to stay as healthy as possible during pregnancy if you have pre-existing health conditions or take medications that can affect your pregnancy, talk with your doctor about balancing your health with your baby’s health.
To lower the risk of preterm labour and birth, try to get plenty of rest, eat healthy meals, drink lots of water (but not excessive amounts), and avoid unhealthy vices like smoking, alcohol and caffeine addiction. For more information about having a healthy pregnancy, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.
Updates by Pheona Ilagan
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.