Pregnancy and Childbirth - A Guide To Pregnancy You Should Buy

This must-have guide is a true depiction of what’s going to happen in those fragile months leading up to the pregnancy and the months after the baby arrives.

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Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pregnancy and Childbirth – Dr. T C Chang & Wong Boh Boi

Pages: 255

Price: $38.00 (w/o GST)

Availability: All leading bookstores

Published by: Marshall Cavendish Editions

ISBN : 978 981 261 447 6

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Recommended for: Pregnant mothers and expectant fathers.


This must-have guide is a true depiction of what’s going to happen in those fragile months leading up to the pregnancy and the months after the baby arrives.

This comprehensive book not only guides but sheds light on many issues such as how to write a birth plan, tips on breastfeeding and what exercises are helpful during pregnancy.

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What we liked best:

1) The way the book is wrapped with photographs within which is a blessing for those who are pictorial oriented.

2) Everything is explained in a precise manner.

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3) Extremely Singapore-centric!

What we didn’t like:

1) Writing can be stilted.

2) A little too medically oriented as the book is littered with medical jargon.

Our Verdict: Despite our two negative comment, we still give it 5/5 stars. This is a great gift for anyone who is pregnant.

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Written by

Miss Vanda