Some pregnant women reportedly experience voice changes, mental fog, an increase in hair growth, and swelling in unexpected areas.
Recently, TikTok has been a hive of activity over one particular pregnancy-related swelling location that no one discusses: the nose.
People are curious about what the heck happens to pregnant women’s noses due to a recent TikTok craze. With the hashtag “pregnancy nose,” women are posting before and after photos of their faces, one showing them while pregnant and the other without.
Image from Tiktok @mommy.labornurse
This condition is known as the pregnant nose, and yes, it exists. But if you have it, should you be worried?
Table of Contents
Body Changes During Pregnancy
Throughout pregnancy, a lot of changes take place. You might already begin to notice how strange your body feels before you ever get the positive test results.
During your pregnancy, things will evolve. For instance, foods you once adored may now appear disgusting to you, while foods you previously detested may become your new cravings. It’s also possible that your sense of smell has changed, making everything smell harsher, and you may start to feel queasy.
Along with your inner feelings, your body will also go through certain modifications. You’ll undoubtedly start to put on weight, your nails might get longer and thicker, and you might develop aches and pains.
People expect to see physical changes, including a growing bulge or possibly leg oedema. The linea alba, a white line that runs down the middle of the abdomen, may also alter, turning white and becoming the linea nigra.
Image from iStock
Other typical visible changes that may appear in a pregnant person’s skin include hyperpigmentation (darker skin in various body parts, including the face), skin stretch marks, and the development of skin tags.
But in addition to the more visible changes brought on by pregnancy, there are some peculiar ones as well…
Pregnancy Nose
Women from all over TikTok are sharing their experiences with pregnancy-related nose growth by posting pictures of their noses taken before and after their pregnancies to demonstrate that their noses did, in fact, enlarge during pregnancy.
Your nose is prone to more than just development during pregnancy. In fact, many pregnant women also endure frequent runny noses, nosebleeds, or a sudden onset of congestion.
The increased blood flow and swelling of the nose, as well as the greater hormone levels in your body, are thought to be the result of these changes.
However, if you are concerned about your pregnancy nose, keep in mind that it is getting bigger to support the development of your foetus and ensure the delivery of a healthy kid. But if you do observe your nose swelling, should you be alarmed?
Why Is My Nose So Big?
According to PopSugar, 20 per cent of pregnant women experience a shift in their nose’s size, proving that pregnancy nose is not only a real thing but also fairly prevalent. What causes this change among pregnant women?
Increased blood flow and hormone levels
The increased blood flow and swelling of the nose, as well as the greater hormone levels in your body, are thought to be the result of these changes.
According to Dr Christine Greves, an OB-GYN in Orlando, Florida, “the underlying reason is because of the hormones that are increased in pregnancy and those hormones cause dilation in vessels, which can result in more blood flow going to certain areas, and that’s because we need it for the uterus.”
Moreover, Dr Greves says it isn’t always selective. Therefore, your nose is one of the bodily parts with mucous membranes that experience increased flow.
Dr Greves says that within six weeks (of giving birth), it returns to normal. She also advised pregnant women to be patient with themselves and anticipate things returning to normal. However, the timing simply depends.
Is swelling during pregnancy normal?
Although some swelling is normal during pregnancy, doctors are concerned if their patients experience rapid swelling or appear more bloated than the average expectant woman.
Pregnant women with swelling feet, pain foot and lying on bed in the room. | Image from iStock
Preeclampsia may be the cause of sudden or substantial oedema in the hands, feet, or face, according to Bornstein. Patients who have considerable swelling and exhibit symptoms like headache, blurred vision, nausea, or vomiting should get in touch with their doctor right away to be checked for preeclampsia.
Greves advises pregnant women to discuss any symptoms they may be experiencing with their doctors, even if they don’t seem to be related to a health issue, because it’s crucial for medical professionals to be aware of changes that occur during pregnancy.
Every time they have a concern, they should discuss it with their doctor, she advises. Everyone is different, thus it’s crucial to highlight anything that relates to them.
Pregnant Nose: Is It Harmful?
Pregnancy nose is generally “harmless,” but some individuals may not like how it makes them look. However, it can also cause additional symptoms. ”
Dr Eran Bornstein, the vice chair of OB-GYN at Lenox Hill Hospital, tells that the most prevalent (physiological alteration) being hyperemia of the membranes of the nasal mucosa and sinuses, induced by dilatation of blood vessels connected to the hormonal changes of pregnancy.
Image Source: iStock
This could result in considerable discomfort, nosebleeds, congestion, and oedema/swelling. Some patients’ noses may be different in form and appear plumper.
Pregnancy nose can exacerbate breathing or respiratory troubles since it frequently includes congestion. Make sure to notify your doctor right away if you notice any changes because failing to get this handled by your doctor could result in an asthma attack.
Contact your doctor right away if your nose suddenly swells and is followed by swelling in other places, such as the hands and feet, hazy vision, or headaches, as this could indicate preeclampsia, a hazardous complication during pregnancy.
Even while having a pregnancy nose isn’t the most enjoyable side effect, it will be worth it once your kid is delivered and for six weeks after that when it finally returns to normal.
These adjustments, while annoying to some, are only temporary.
Fortunately, your nose just grows larger during pregnancy as a result of oestrogen relaxing your smooth muscles and expanding your blood vessels. But happily, this bothersome aspect of pregnancy disappears four to six weeks after delivery. There’s no need to worry; have a seat and unwind while you can.
Contact your doctor right away if your nose suddenly swells and is followed by swelling in other places, such as the hands and feet, hazy vision, or headaches, as this could indicate preeclampsia, a hazardous complication during pregnancy.
Even while having a pregnancy nose isn’t the most enjoyable side effect, it will be worth it once your kid is delivered and for six weeks after that when it finally returns to normal.
Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.