Mums-to-Be, Here's the Real Deal About Pregnancy Glow

Why do some mums look exceptionally radiant when pregnant? Here's what you need to know about pregnancy glow.

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What is a pregnancy glow? If you've come here to find out what it is and if it is true, you came to the right place. Pregnancy glow in a nutshell is the sudden radiance that pregnant women get while going through the pregnancy journey. And it is said to be just one of many advantages of being pregnant.

However, there are many doubters, thinking the pregnancy glow is just a sham. It's an old wives' tale. So, which is it? Is the pregnancy glow truly just a myth or not? What causes it? In this article, we will give you the lowdown on everything concerning the pregnancy glow. So, keep reading.

Is the Pregnancy Glow Real?

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It sounds unreal actually that growing a baby inside of you can give you the radiance you've been spending expensive skin care on before that stick confirmed your pregnancy. But, as unreal as that sounds, the pregnancy glow is apparently not a hoax.

Several studies were able to confirm that the glow is a fortunate effect of the changes in a pregnant woman's body. And science can back up the reasons why this glow is more apparent during pregnancy than before or after it.

What Causes Pregnancy Glow?

  • Blood: the Natural Blush

As you know, since you are growing a human inside of you, your body needs to produce twice the amount of blood that you normally produce. What happens when you produce more blood? It dilates your blood vessels, making your skin look more flushed, ergo the natural blush look.

Who would have thought doubling your blood volume will give you the natural blush you've always wanted?

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  • Give Credit to your Hormones

Your hormones are going to cause a lot of things during pregnancy - most of them are nasty: your frequent urinating, your nausea, your vomiting, your increased sex drive, and your mood swings, to name a few.

But one of the better side effects of pregnancy hormones is the natural blush and glow that radiates off of you. Why does this happen? Because as you release these hormones, it also releases more oils from your body, making you look shiny and glowy.

  • Snatched from Stretched Skin

Your skin would naturally stretch because of the growing baby inside your uterus. And this stretching is going to lift up saggy bits of skin where they used to be. So, if there are no more sags, then you'll be looking snatched.

  • Glow from the Heat

Because of your hormones and the stress of carrying extra weight (a.k.a. your baby), it's normal for your body to constantly feel heat. And, of course, pretty much the same way your skin glows red after playing outside in the sun, your pregnancy skin will glow red when you experience heat inside your body.

When Does the Pregnancy Glow Start?

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It's unclear when exactly this glow starts showing up during your pregnancy. But, what many researchers have found is that it occurs usually at the peak of the physical changes in your body. So most likely, it will occur during your second term.

Another question pregnant women ask is when the glow ends. As much as we want to retain this glow after giving birth, unfortunately, like Cinderella, this pregnancy glow has a curfew. It usually wears off after you give birth.

Do All Pregnant Women Experience It?

Here is another myth we ought to settle in this article. For once and for all, no, the pregnancy glow does not happen to all pregnant women. Also, if you're pregnant and do not have the glow, there is nothing wrong with you. It just means your body is responding differently to your pregnancy.

And, never mind if you don't have the pregnancy glow. You can enjoy all of the other perks of being pregnant - priority in public spaces and vehicles, laws protecting pregnant women in work spaces, maternity benefits and leaves, and of course, your all-around, willing-to-do-everything-to-make-you-comfortable husband.

Pregnancy Skincare Tips

If you haven't experienced the pregnancy glow or feel like you won't experience it in your journey, fret not. There are still plenty of things you can do to ensure you have healthy skin during your pregnancy.

  • Water is Your Best Friend

We mean this literally. labour and preterm birth.

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What else? Water keeps you cooler. You're going to feel intense heat during your pregnancy journey, so if you want to relieve yourself of such discomfort, drink up. Finally, another reason to love water is that it reduces swelling, which is one reason most pregnant women feel conscious about their appearance.

  • Wash with Soap-free Cleansers

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As mentioned earlier, your hormones are going to increase the oil production in your face and your body. And, as you know, the more oil there is in your body, the likelier it is for your acne to act up.

So, what's the solution? How do we avoid acne flare-ups? Wash your face regularly with soap-free cleansers. Go wild with the mild. Don't use heavily formulated cleansers because they can affect your baby. So, go with mild, soap-free cleansers. Best if you consult your gynae for their recommendations of face cleansers for you, just to be sure.

  • Exercise that Mum Bod

Remember what we said earlier? The added blood volume in the body is what's causing the pregnancy glow. If it's not naturally occurring, make it happen. Exercising helps in blood circulation. If you want that blood to give you that natural blush and glow, exercise more.

The glow isn't the only benefit of exercises, mums. Studies have found that exercising also prevents gestational diabetes, relieves mums of stress, and prepares your body for labour and delivery.

Exercises also improve your posture and reduce fatigue and back aches. These benefits are definitely reasons to consider exercising during your pregnancy. A word of caution though: make sure to check in with your OB if the exercises you're doing are safe for your baby.

  • Eat Right

Yes, mums. Eating healthy is not just for that football-sized mini-me inside of you. It's for your skin as well. And, eating the right kind of food will help keep your skin glowing even after you give birth.

Try some warm lemon water. Lemon not only has detoxifying and anti-inflammatory powers; it is packed with Vitamin C which helps in keeping the elasticity of your skin. You can stuff your tummy with almonds too. The high amount of Vitamin E in these nuts will keep your skin cells plump and moisturised.

Another must-try is avocados, rich in Vitamin C which is necessary for glowing skin and packed with good fat which is useful in nourishing your hair and nails.

  • Get your Beauty Sleep

Take it from Sleeping Beauty. Getting a good night's sleep goes a long way in giving your skin the care that it needs. You can eat healthily, wash your face constantly, and exercise your little bum off, but if you are getting only three or four hours of sleep, what's the point?

You need that sleep, so your body could recuperate, rest, and energise your body for the day ahead. Plus, a good night's sleep will get rid of those baggy eyes.

So, as you can see, all is not lost if you do not experience the pregnancy glow that some women experience. In fact, you might even forget it once you give birth to your baby. And then you'll realise nothing else is more important than the literal slice of life that you pushed outside of you to cradle in your arms.

Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it's important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn't serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.

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Written by

Kim Brua