Is it time to ditch the diapers and start potty training?
A Prim and “Pooper” Perspective
It took four words to get my 3-year old niece out of her diaper and on the throne. And it’s quite funny that those four words didn’t come from an adult. They came from her classmate in preschool. Those four magical words were: “You’re still wearing diapers?” And just like that, she wanted to try potty training!
A child’s passion for learning always trumps mandatory instruction. A parent should not force a particular skill, especially one like potty training, if the child doesn’t want to learn it. But a parent may show the child the benefits of learning the skill to convince the child it’s worth knowing. One of these benefits would be putting an end to diapers!
Potty training experts like Parpia and Crane use “drink and wet dolls” to communicate in a “language” children like. A funny and clever picture-story book called “Once Upon A Potty” by author Alona Frankel also gives the child, whether girl or boy—yes, there are 2 versions of the book—the right frame of mind before potty training.
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Potty success!
Outgrown the Baby Throne?
Through observation and intuition, parents can tell if their child is open to the idea of potty training or not. A little boy might be imitating how daddy “goes” in front of the toilet. Or a little girl might be feeling guilty about mummy cleaning her up, so she’d want to do it herself. One thing should be made clear: there is no single and correct way to do toilet or potty training.
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When it comes to potty training, accidents are bound to happen!
So Many Experts
If you’re a dookie rookie and fear potty training, you just have to face the music. Accidents like wrong trajectories, bad timing, wet beds, and landmines are natural. They came along free with the kid you purchased! Kidding aside, it helps a lot if you’ve done your research. It’s a huge plus if you scoured the net for books like Jill Lekovic’s “Diaper-Free Before 3” or if you’ve learned about the “Diaper-Free Program” by Julie Fellom. Lekovic’s system teaches a child at a very young age, specifically at 9 months old! According to her research, the earlier you train your child, the longer it’ll stick.
In Fellom’s program, she advises that you reserve a whole weekend for potty training mastery, so that in the days to come, you’d only have to fine-tune and replicate what was already perfected. Through that course, kids are bare-bottomed almost all the time, and positive reinforcement is a key factor—a celebratory “potty dance” with mum and dad! Whatever school of thought you’re applying, make sure you and your kid are cool with it.
Take cues from your child when it comes to potty training. Look out for the signs that suggest potty training readiness.
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Look out for cues from your child which tell you that he’s ready to be potty trained.
Do Your Thing
A plethora of other experts have written books and constructed programmes about potty training, but you’ll realise that none of them are set in stone. Don’t get me wrong. They’re all very useful and a lot of experienced parents swear by these, but ultimately, as in most parenting cases, the golden rule is: work with what is best for your child and yourself.
Like all life skills, potty training and toilet training are not learned in a snap. They’re both processes that require a lot of focus, practice, patience, and trial and error. Any quick-learning strategy that promises instant results are good enough just to establish the habit—aim, shoot, wipe, wash. Potty training needs a lot of follow up. Never liken your child to a smartphone running a newly downloaded app.
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If your child does not show interest in potty training, try again after a month or so.
The “Bottom” Line
So let’s get right to the bottom of this. Should your child skip potty training? It’s really up to you and your kid. Do what is easiest for you both. It won’t hurt to try, nor will it hurt to fail. If you do, it’s recommended by experts that you try again after a month or so. Is there any loss in skipping potty training? None.
What does one need to begin toilet training? You’ll probably need a step to get your child up the seat and a toilet ring for a comfy fit, but they’re not must-haves. Remember that whichever approach you choose, an expert, your own, or a fusion of both, your child will have to learn how to do things independently at one point or another. You simply have to trust your parental instincts and your child’s progress to arrive at success.
Do you agree with kids skipping the potty and heading straight for the toilet seat? Share your potty training tips with us by commenting below!
This article was first published on theAsianparent.com Philippines.