Popular Arab baby girl names

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Want to give your baby girl a unique name? Why not try one of these popular Arab baby names?

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Arab girl names

Want to give your baby girl a unique name? Why not try one of these popular Arab baby girl names?

1) Ambar
Adapted from Amber, meaning “precious”

2) Basimah
Means “Ever Smiling”
Nicknames: Bessie, Simi

3) Hadiya
Means “guide to righteousness”, or “gift”
Nicknames: Yaya, Hadi

4) Hasna
Means “beautiful”
Nicknames: Hasnie, Nana

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5) Iman
Means “faith” or “belief”

6) Jana
Meaning: Gods precious gift

7) Kalila
Meaning: Beloved
Nicknames: Laila, Lily, Kaka

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8) Nimah
Meaning: Little blessing

9) Sumehra
Meaning: Beautiful face
Nicknames: Sumi, Sums

10) Zaira
Meaning: Rose, and beautiful flower
Nicknames: Zara, Zee

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Written by

Miss Vanda