Police officer breastfeeds hungry baby who was called 'smelly and dirty'

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"You did not care if he was dirty or smelly, which is what the hospital staff called him..."

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A malnourished, crying baby boy was recently brought into Sor Maria Ludovica children’s hospital in Argentina, when police officer Celeste Ayala was on guard duty.

Busy hospital staff ended up neglecting the ‘smelly and dirty’ baby. Ayala, who had recently had a baby, couldn’t bear to hear the little one’s cries. So she asked if she could hold and breastfeed the baby.

She was quoted as saying, “‘I noticed that he was hungry, as he was putting his hand into his mouth, so I asked to hug him and breastfeed him.”

“It was a sad moment, it broke my soul seeing him like this, society should be sensitive to the issues affecting children, it cannot keep happening.”

The little child calmed down as soon as she breastfed him.

It was a beautiful moment, one that quickly went viral. Ayala has now been hailed as a hero.

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Police Officer Breastfeeds Hungry Baby

Apparently, the baby’s mother is a single mum who has six kids, and is struggling to cope.

Ayala’s heroic deed got noticed when her colleague Marcos Heredia posted the picture of the kind gesture online.

He said, “I want to make public this great gesture of love you made today for this little baby who you did not know, but for who you did not hesitate to act like a mother.

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“You did not care if he was dirty or smelly, which is what the hospital staff called him. Good job mate.”

Days later, she received a visit from the Vice President of the Legislature of Buenos Aires, Cristian Ritondo. He promoted Ayala from an Officer to a Sergeant.

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Ayala’s noble deed was commended, “We wanted to thank Ayala in person for that gesture of spontaneous love that managed to calm the baby’s cry.

“The police that make us proud, the police we want.”


Source: Mirror

Also READ: Jewish nurse breastfeeds baby of injured Palestinian mum

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