Need Insurance advice? Ask theAsianparent's Finance Wizard Phylise Er

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Phylise Er has been an Executive Financial Planner with AXA Life Insurance Singapore Pte Ltd (Alliance Organisation) since 2002, servicing more than 300 professionals, executives, business owners and high net-worth clients.

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Phylise Er has been an Executive Financial Planner with AXA Life Insurance Singapore Pte Ltd (Alliance Organisation) since 2002, servicing more than 300 professionals, executives, business owners and high net-worth clients. She’s definitely someone you want to look for when seeking insurance advice!

Her systematic approach in financial planning has made planning a simple and easy process for her clients, which has won her many referrals.

With the strong support from valued clients she has qualified as a member of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table.

On the personal front, even though Phylise’s work schedule takes up most of my time, she believes it is essential to exercise regularly as it helps her to relax too. Her leisure pursuits are jogging and reading. Also, she enjoys doing volunteer work and spending time with her family.

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If you have any insurance questions or need general insurance advice, drop Phylise Er an email at

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