PRs face cuts in healthcare subsidies

Permanent Residents (PRs) in Singapore take note, the Ministry of Health has announced a cut in healthcare subsidies rates for PRs to as much as half of what Singaporeans enjoy.

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PR healthcare subsidies slashed

healthcare subsidies for PRs for inpatient services, including Class B2 and C wards, day surgery and specialist outpatient clinics in the restructured hospitals, as well as intermediate and long-term care services.

Furthermore, changes look to be implemented in two cycles on 1 Oct 2012 and 1 Apr 2013 respectively.

The Facts


The standout changes include:

  1. At Public Hospitals and National Centres, PRs earning $5,201 and above will have their subsidies reduced from 45% to 32.5%. In contrast, Citizens maintain subsidies of 65%
  2. PRs earning $3,200 and below will have their subsidies reduced from 60% to 55%. Citizens enjoy 80% subsidies.
  3. PRs also face a reduction from 45% to 40% in Day Surgery, while citizen subsidies remain at 65%

Excerpt from the MOH press release

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With this adjustment, the healthcare subsidy for PRs in most income bands will be revised to half the corresponding subsidy that citizens receive. For lower-income PRs, some of whom may be members of citizen households, the Ministry is mindful of the impact of the subsidy adjustments on their bills and has moderated the adjustments to the subsidy framework for this group of PRs.

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Will the new system of subsidies ride well with PRs in Singapore? Parent do leave your comments below.


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Written by

Felicia Chin