Party Decor Vendor Goes MIA, Leaving Birthday Bash in Disarray

A Singapore party decor vendor vanished, leaving a 14-year-old's birthday celebration in chaos, now with the consumer quest for recourse.

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More than fifty guests eagerly anticipated the celebration of a 14-year-old girl’s birthday at a HomeTeamNS Khatib function room on January 13. However, the joyous occasion turned into a disappointment as the hired party decoration company failed to show up, leaving the venue undecorated and the hosts in distress. The incident sheds light on the challenges consumers face with unreliable vendors and their quest for recourse.

The Preparations

The planning for the birthday party began with the family engaging “The Party Studio,” a vendor found through Instagram. With a successful past engagement, the decision seemed straightforward. A deposit of S$200 was made on January 6, followed by an additional S$150 after finalising the decorations. Despite an agreement to collect the balance after the event, the vendor insisted on receiving full payment upfront to prevent potential no-shows.

Image from | Image courtesy of Iirah

The Disappointment

Anticipation turned into concern as the clock ticked past the scheduled setup time of 530 pm on the event day. Despite frantic attempts to contact the vendor, the decorations remained absent, leaving the function room devoid of the planned ambience. The birthday girl and her guests were left disheartened, questioning the absence of the promised party backdrop.

The Excuse and Criticism

Amidst the chaos, the vendor cited a family emergency for the absence, promising to send another helper with the decorations—an assurance that never materialised. Displeased with the lack of prior communication and service recovery efforts, the hosts expressed their disappointment, emphasising the emotional significance of the occasion.

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Image from | Screenshot of conversation courtesy of Iirah.

Similar Incidents

This wasn’t an isolated case. Other consumers shared similar experiences, highlighting a pattern of last-minute cancellations and poor communication from The Party Studio. Victims, like Linda Chua and Mei, recounted their frustrations, with one even resorting to reporting the vendor to consumer protection agencies.

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Image from | Screenshot from ‘The Party Studio’ FB page courtesy of Iirah.

Seeking Redress

Despite attempts to voice their grievances, efforts to leave negative reviews were thwarted as the vendor swiftly deleted them and blocked the complainants. Subsequently, police reports were lodged, and consumer protection agencies were notified. While some received compensation, others, like Iirah, are still awaiting refunds.

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Vendor Response and Consumer Rights

Inquiries directed at The Party Studio remain unanswered as of February 2, indicating a lack of accountability. The Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) reported receiving three complaints against the vendor in January 2024, highlighting a need for increased consumer awareness and protection.

Image from | Image courtesy of Iirah.

The unfortunate incident underscores the challenges consumers face when dealing with unreliable vendors. As consumers seek avenues for recourse, agencies like CASE play a crucial role in safeguarding their rights. Beyond monetary losses, the emotional toll of ruined celebrations serves as a reminder of the importance of due diligence in vendor selection and the need for stronger consumer protection measures.

Written by

Pheona Ilagan