4 Advantages of being a part-time home tutor in Singapore!

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Learn why being a part-time home tutor in Singapore is a great option if you are looking for flexible job hours and a satisfactory earning.

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Are you looking for a part time job?

From working as a part time tourist guide, serving in a local restaurant, to handling cash in a retail store, there is plethora of options to choose from.

However, these jobs require you to work for 5-6 hours daily. You can’t sideline daily commuting eating up almost 20-30 minutes. It means that your day will be full of hassles due to an immediate transition from one job to another. Will you be able to spare time for friends, family, hangouts, study and other commitments?

So, you need a job that not only pays well, but also ensures easy working hours.

How about being a part-time home tutor in Singapore?

Home tutoring ensures you time flexibility and more hourly wages at the comfort of your home. Tuition industry is on the boom in Singapore with 70% parents seeking tuitions for their kids, making it a profitable job for longer.

All you need to teach some students at your home for as long as 2 hours, without having to make investment like other businesses.

Here I have explained such amazing benefits of tutoring as a part time job.

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You Can Earn Higher Hourly Wages:

By becoming a home tutor, you can earn more than other part time jobs in Singapore.

For example, Starbucks offers between $7 and $9 per hour to its waiting staff.

On the other hand, a private tutor for primary students can earn up to 20-30 SGD per hour, nearly three times more than Starbucks’ hourly wages.

And this tutoring rate can be $30-70 per hour for the university students. It simply means that you can earn minimum $520 per month with the basic rate of 20$ per hour. And teaching more students for the couple of hours will provide you a handsome earning.

Flexible Working Hours:

Another benefit is that you can schedule the tutoring session according to your personal preferences and availability. You can conduct tuition in evening if you are busy with your job shift or classes in morning.

Tuitions generally last for 1-2 hours, giving you ample of time to meet your other commitments. This is why home tutoring job is simply great in terms of time flexibility.

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Can you enjoy such flexible working hours with other part time jobs?

Beneficial for Both Professional and Personal Growth:

Apart from giving you more hourly wages and time flexibility, tutoring enhances your personal development and skills.

Teaching students of different learning ability tests your communication, conviction skills and patience—but for good reason. By answering their whys, hows, whats and whens, you expand your understanding, knowledge and sense of services.

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These skills are also important for your growth as a professional. If you are a student, mentioning home tutor in your resume will give you an edge while searching for your very first job.

Emotional Fulfillment:

A tutor helps weak students improve their academic performance. A good tutor boosts their morale and encourages them so that they don’t feel low or inferior by their poor performances.

Sometime a school teacher is not able to do this due to the packed classes and busy schedule. And the proud moment comes for a tutor when those “weak students” make to the toppers lists or crack the university entrance exams.

This is why tutoring gives you a sense of gratification.

To sum up…

So these are the key benefits of choosing home tutoring as a part time job. However, becoming a tutor can be challenging if you start without deciding what to teach and how to do. First of all, you must choose the subject you are good at. It can be languages, science, math, music or your hobby like playing a guitar.

After done with that, start registering yourself with the popular online tutoring sites in Singapore like ChampionTutor. Besides, you can give advertisement and ask your friends or family members to send their child to you for tutoring.

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All the best!

Also READ: Top private tutors in Singapore as voted by parents!

Written by

Lim Chuwei