Surviving the In-Law Invasion: Communication Strategies to Tame Difficult Parents-in-Law

Overcoming difficult in-laws is possible! Learn effective communication strategies to understand their perspective, set boundaries, and reduce drama. Build a stronger relationship now!

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For many people, the relationship with their in-laws can be a significant source of stress and conflict. Whether it's differing values, communication issues, or simply personality clashes, dealing with difficult parents-in-law can be a challenging experience. However, the good news is that effective communication strategies can help improve these relationships and reduce drama.

Understanding Difficult Parents-in-Law

The first step in improving communication with difficult parents-in-law is to understand the reasons for their behaviour. Parents-in-law may often have different values, beliefs, and communication styles from your own. They may also feel threatened by your presence in their child's life or have unrealistic expectations of your role in the family.

It's essential to recognize that their behaviour is not necessarily a personal attack on you but rather a reflection of their insecurities and concerns. By practising empathy and perspective-taking, you can better understand their perspective and communicate more effectively with them.

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Effective Communication Strategies

When communicating with difficult parents-in-law, be clear, assertive, and non-defensive. This means actively listening to their perspective, avoiding blame-shifting or criticism, and using "I" statements to express your feelings and needs.

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Finding common ground is also key to effective communication. Look for areas of shared values or interests, and build on those to create a sense of connection and understanding. Additionally, setting boundaries around topics that are off-limits or unacceptable can help prevent conflicts and misunderstandings.

Practical Tips for Improving Communication

In addition to these core communication strategies, several practical tips can help improve your relationships with difficult parents-in-law. One effective approach is to schedule regular in-person check-ins or via phone or video chat. This can help build rapport and establish a more positive dynamic over time.

Plan for potentially difficult conversations, such as parenting, finances, or other sensitive topics. By setting a clear agenda and establishing ground rules for the conversation, you can reduce the risk of misunderstandings or conflicts.

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Showing appreciation and gratitude for your parents-in-law can also go a long way towards improving communication. Through small gestures like sending a thank-you note, offering to help with a project, or more substantial efforts like hosting a family gathering or vacation, expressing your appreciation can help build a more positive and supportive relationship.

Finally, don't hesitate to seek outside support or counselling if needed. A neutral third party can help facilitate more productive conversations and provide objective feedback and guidance.


Dealing with difficult parents-in-law is never easy, but effective communication strategies can improve these relationships and build stronger connections. You can overcome barriers and reduce drama by understanding their perspective, practising empathy, and communicating clearly and assertively. 

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And by taking practical steps like scheduling regular check-ins, showing appreciation, and seeking outside support, you can establish a more positive and supportive relationship with your parents-in-law.

Written by

Pheona Ilagan