Parenting Made Easy Review

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How-to books on parenting are plenty but the latest guide by Sue Atkins stands out for its honesty and ease of use.

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Parenting Made Easy ReviewMost how-to books on parenting try to make what is often called the toughest job in the world sound easy but this one is different in its outlook. Written by Sue Atkins, a well-known British parenting expert, writer, speaker, broadcaster and coach, Parenting Made Easy emphasises developing your child’s self-esteem, neutralising conflict while laying the groundwork for good behaviour and independence.

Atkins’ latest book should be regarded as more than a continuation of her bestselling previous volume, ‘Raising Happy Children for Dummies’ or a condensed version of Atkins’ acclaimed parenting coaching CD series and workbooks. The most outstanding quote from the book encapsulates the situation of all parents, young or old:
“A new washing machine comes with an instruction book in five languages but as you walk out of the hospital with the most important bundle of your life in your arms, there are no manuals or handouts to help you.”

Despite its title, Parenting Made Easy does not deny that parenting is a massive challenge and asks the reader to build on their parenting skills with more confidence and patience. I especially like the main aspects laid out by Atkins, such as identifying your parenting style, types of comprehensive listening  and ways to develop your child’s independence.

The most salient advice comes from Atkins  asks parents to dig deeper than normal  when examining their parenting styles and attitudes. The advice for bringing up your child is interspersed with boxed sections containing strategies such as The Pause Button and The One Point exercises. This is most exemplified in the very helpful chapter entitled “Balancing your work, personal and family time”- with its various detailed sections for busy parents on delegating ‘me’ and ‘we’ time without generating all the attendant guilt.

We all know bringing up children can feel overwhelming and very challenging but Atkins’ practical and inspirational advice also shows the reader that it can be a rewarding experience. The main message any reader should take from Parenting Made Easy is to be sure of yourself as a parent.

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Read an article by Sue Atkins: Tips for beating the isolation blues

Sue Atkins is a Parenting Expert, Broadcaster, Speaker and Author of the Amazon best selling book “Raising Happy Children for Dummies” one in the famous black and yellow series and the highly acclaimed Parenting Made Easy CDs. She has also just launched her 1st Parenting Made Easy app for iPhones and iPads.

Her new book Parenting Made Easy – How to Raise Happy, Children is available to pre-order now and is published by Random House.

Sue offers practical guidance for bringing up happy, confident, well behaved children from toddler to teen.

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She regularly appears on ITV’s This Morning, BBC Breakfast and The Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 and is the parenting expert for many BBC Radio Stations around the UK. She has a regular monthly parenting phone-in on BBC Radio Surrey & Sussex and her parenting articles are published all over the world.
To receive her free ebooks bursting with practical tips and helpful advice from toddler to teen log on to and download them instantly today.



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Written by

Sandra Ong