Simple Snacks to Prepare for Kids: A dad needs help

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A dad wants to know what kind of simple yet yummy snacks he can make for his kids. Find out the suggestions from parents here. No cooking experience required!

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Dad Needs Help: Any suggestions for simple snacks for kids? Im not usually home in the afternoons so I was completely lost when they wanted a snack after lunch. Would like to surprise my kids with a treat next time. Also, I can’t really cook so easy ideas would be best.Thanks!

Ideas for simple snacks for kids

Rohane Ahmad: pizza, u can get the ingredients fr the supermarket. let the kids do their own pizza, its fun.

Julia Lim:
Hey dad! Pls check out of receipes idea there! Btw, how old are your kid(s)? Make ur life easier- ask them or give them a choose eg do u want an egg sandwich or peanut butter n jam sandwich. Find out from mommy what are their favourites. Fruits/ cereals (eg oats) are good snacks as well. Its endless.. lol! Good luck dad and happy cooking!

Myra Tay:
i usually give them yogurt, cereals, sandwiches or buns.. Sometimes cookies but not too much 😉

Katherine Soh:
how old are your kids? even simple things like fruit sticks with peanut butter make great snacks, or fruits with yogurt can be colourful!

Vincent Yeo:
if u dun wan to cook, get raisins, biscuits and those kiddo snacks like cereal snacks, healthy snacks to be exact. fruits is another alternative as snacks such as grapes, strawberries, banana. if u wan to cook, u can follow Ms Lim’s idea.

JoAnn Wong:
Special treats like cocktail hotdogs.. yummy for the kids n easy to do for daddy

Shanty Pertiwi Andriayani:
U can made; scramble egg,with cutting of smooke beef/chicken sausage…add garlic for tasty…or friedrice maybe?its so easy but can make ur son eating much n quickly;)

Lk Fft:
Some simple recipes you can try:
a) Power-packed oat bars (
b) French toast (
c) Strawberry crunch (
d) Fanch sandwiches with sardines filling ( Happy trying!!

Nanthini Kanaswaran Yeary:
my kids love this .. dip baby carrots in peanut butter! aww so good! its healthy and filling! also, jst buy some yogurt or jelly cups. You can make your own jelly too.

Also read: Healthy lunch snacks for kids

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Written by

Felicia Chin