Parents, Take Note: P1 Registration For 2022 Will Begin From June 30, To Be Fully Online

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The P1 registration will be conducted in several phases from June 30 to October 29. Read on to know all the details.

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After schools were transitioned to home-based learning, Ministry of Education (MOE) announced that Primary 1 registration for admission to classes in 2022 will begin on June 30. And like last year, the registration phases will be fully online.

The ministry also stated that no in-person registration will be allowed. 

P1 Registration Details For Admission To Schools In 2022

p1 registration phases

Image courtesy: iStock

In their latest press release, the Ministry Of Education stated that registration for admission to Primary One (P1)– classes that will start in 2022 –will open from Wednesday, 30 June 2021 to Friday, 29 October 2021. 

“The list of primary schools and vacancies available will also be updated on the P1 Registration website at  by mid-June 2021,” their statement read.  

It is also important to note here that these registrations will not be affected by the ongoing review of the P1 Registration Framework. 

How to choose a school

MOE also recommended that “In selecting a primary school, parents should choose a school that suits their child’s overall learning needs and interests, e.g. schools’ distinctive programmes, Co-Curricular Activities, ethos and culture, as well as home-school distance for the convenience of the child.” 

How To Register For P1 Online

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The online P1 registration will be open from 30 June to 20 October and will be done in two modes:

  • Online application forms for Phases 1, 2A(1), 2A(2) and 2B
  • Primary One Internet System (P1-IS) for Phases 2C and 2C Supplementary

1. Online application forms for Phases 1, 2A(1), 2A(2) and 2B

If you are registering your child under these phases, here’s what you need to know.

Phase 1:

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  • This phase will be for those children whose siblings are current students of the school.
  • The school will provide parents with details on how to register for their younger child. 
  • The registration process starts on June 30.

Phases 2A(1) and 2A(2):

  • Children whose parents are alumni members or former students of the school, as well as children from the MOE kindergarten located at the school 
  • The registration begins on Jul 7 and Jul 14 respectively.
Phase 2 B:
  • This is for children whose parents are a school or community volunteers or have affiliations to churches or clan associations.
  • The registration will begin on July 26.

Phases 2C & 2C Supplementary:

  • This phase is for children who are Singapore citizens or permanent residents and have no links to the school.
  • Registration begins on Aug 3 and Aug 19 respectively.

Compulsory Education

MOE also stated that it is compulsory for children born between 2 Jan 2015, and 1 Jan 2016 (both dates inclusive) to participate in this exercise or be enrolled in a Junior 1 or Primary 1 programme of a SPED school.

Here are a few more things you need to know about this process:

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  • If your child is assessed by a qualified health professional and termed as “not ready for P1” you can seek approval from MOE’s Compulsory Education Unit (CEU). This will allow “for deferment of registration for P1,” as explained by MOE.
  • If a child was born on 1 January 2016, MOE says, “parents may also seek approval for deferment if they want their child to enter primary school in January 2023 instead.”
  • You can apply for the same on the MOE website.

How International Students Can Register For P1

International students will register in Phase 3. This phase has a two-step process. 

  • Step 1: You can submit an indication of interest form on the MOE website between June 1 and June 7
  • Step 2: You will be informed of the availability of places via email in October 2021.

Remember that students will get seats based on vacancies as Singapore citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. 

What More Should Parents Know About The P1 Registration Process

Here is some other additional information that will come in handy during the P1 registration phase.

Address mentioned during the registration process: 

  • Parents should use their official home addresses as stated on their NRICs in the registration exercise.
  • For children who gain priority admission through the home-school distance category, they must have resided at the address provided during registration for at least 30 months. “If this condition is not met, MOE reserves the right to transfer the child to another school with vacancies,” the ministry said.
  • Kids also have the option to register using the address of a caregiver, such as a grandparent or a parent’s sibling. In this case, parents note that you will have to complete the Declaration of Alternative Child-Care Arrangement form on the MOE website between June 28 and August 5.

All the information will be verified and any false information during the registration exercise will be referred to the police for investigation.

  • The list of primary schools and vacancies available will be updated by the middle of next month.
  • If you want assistance during registration, you may contact the school of your choice via email or telephone on the respective registration days between 9 am and 4.30 pm.

MOE further requested parents to set up their SingPass2- Step Verification (2FA) early. Both the above registration requires SingPass account.

So please ensure that your account is valid before the start of the P1 registration exercise. 

Note: Parents of Primary 1 students will also be able to download and register for MOE’s Parents Gateway app using your Singpass account from Thursday.

This app will provide updates and information on the P1 registration phases and tips on how to support kids as they start their primary school studies.

News source: CNA, MOE 


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Written by

Sarmistha Neogy