Primary 1 Registration For 2021 Moves Online: What Parents Should Know

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Registration of children for admission to Primary 1 in 2021 will open from 1 July to 30 October 2020. Here are the details.

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The Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced the dates and details for the different phases of P1 registration for 2021 cohort.

Registrations will open from Wednesday, 1 July 2020 to Friday, 30 October 2020, and conducted over several phases. 

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the upcoming registration of children for admission to Primary One (P1) classes in 2021 will be shifted online fully.

MOE also stated that they will be introducing a cap on the intake of Permanent Resident (PR) children during the P1 registration for 2021 cohort, which will take effect in 10 schools (more details below). 

P1 Registration For 2021 Cohort: Important Details to Note


Children who are Singapore citizens (SC) born between 2 January 2014 and 1 January 2015 (both dates inclusive), must be registered at the 2020 P1 Registration Exercise for admission in January 2021. Or otherwise, enrol in the Junior 1/P1 Programme of a SPED school. 

Permanent Residents (PR) and international students can also register to enter Singapore schools.

For PR children, with effect from the 2020 P1 Registration Exercise for January 2021 intake, MOE will be introducing a cap in the Phase 2C and 2C Supplementary. 

According to MOE, this is to prevent any concentration of PR children in primary schools. It will also “provide a more conducive environment to encourage interaction between SC and PR children, and facilitate the integration of PR children into Singapore”.

In what cases is it possible to defer?

  • A qualified health professional has assessed that a child is not ready for P1
  • Child’s birthday fall on 1 January 2015—a child has the option to enter Primary school in January 2022 instead

To defer registration for P1, parents can seek approval from MOE’s Compulsory Education Unit (CEU) by applying here:

Where and When to Register

As part of precautionary measures against COVID-19, there will be no in-person registration at schools for the P1 registration for 2021 cohort.

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According to MOE, there will be changes in the mode of registration for Phases 2A(1), 2A(2) and 2B. Phases 1, 2C and 2C Supplementary will largely remain the same. More will be detailed in each of the phases found in the later section. 

Note: Parents may be requested to upload copies of the required documents (original documents) or via email to the school. The documents needed will vary depending on the registration phase, applicable to phases 1, 2A(1), 2A(2) and 2B. 

Schools may also contact parents directly to request for additional supporting documents.

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Photo: Ministry of Education, Singapore / Facebook

Important to Note

  • The address used in the Primary 1 Registration Exercise should be the parents’ official residential address, which is specified in their NRICs. This is very important, as it is the address which will determine the home-school distance category, a chief factor and priority in school admissions. Learn how the priority admission works, here.
  • Before registering online, you will require a valid SingPass with 2-Factor Authentication (SingPass 2FA). Here is how to register for a SingPass 2FA if you do not have one.
  • The link to the online form and user guide will be available on the MOE P1 Registration website during the registration periods of the respective phases.
  • P1 registration is not first-come, first-served. No special priority is given to early registrants, whether through Primary One Internet System (P1-IS) or online form registration. 
    • For your child under Phase 1 (with another child currently studying at your preferred school), email the completed application form and relevant documents to the school. 
    • An online form for phases 2A(1), 2A(2) and 2B.
    • The P1-IS is meant for phases 2C or 2C Supplementary.
  • The results will be sent to you through SMS at the end of the registration phase. 

Information for International Students (IS)

Registration is at Phase 3 for IS, after all SCs and SPRs have been allocated a place under the earlier phases of the P1 registration exercise. International students will be required to undergo a two-step process:

  • Step 1: Submit an online ‘indication of interest’ form via the MOE P1 website from 9am, 2 June 2020 (Tuesday) to 4.30pm, 8 June 2020 (Monday).
  • Step 2: MOE will notify IS applicants who have indicated their interest via email in October 2020 on whether their child can be offered a P1 place in school. Parents will be informed on registration details with the designated school if a place is offered.

Those who fail to submit the ‘indication of interest’ form to MOE by 8 June 2020 will not be able to register during Phase 3 of the P1 registration exercise.       

P1 Registration for 2021 Cohort: Phases and Procedures

Registration to primary school will be conducted in seven phases.

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Here are some key details, including the changes due to COVID-19 precautionary measures:

Phase 1

Photo: Ministry of Education, Singapore / Facebook

Registration by submitting application form: 9am, 1 July 2020 (Wednesday) to 4.30pm, 2 July 2020 (Thursday)

Eligibility: For a child who has a sibling studying in that primary school (Only for children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents).


  • You can email the completed application form and relevant documents to the school.

This phase has the highest priority. All children registered under this phase will be given places in the schools.

Phase 2A(1)

Registration via online form: From 9am to 4.30pm on 7 July 2020 (Tuesday)

Eligibility: Only for children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents

(a) For a child whose parent is a former student of the primary school and who has joined the alumni association as a member not later than 30 June 2019.

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(b) For a child whose parent is a member of the School Advisory / Management Committee.

Procedure: You will need to complete an online form to register under this phase, using your SingPass. 

Results Announced: 13 July 2020 (Monday) 

Phase 2A(2)

Registration via online form: From 9am, 14 July 2020 (Tuesday) to 4.30pm, 15 July 2020 (Wednesday)

Eligibility: Only for children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents.

(a) For a child whose parent or sibling have studied in that primary school.

(b) For a child whose parent is a staff member of that primary school.

(c) For a child from the MOE Kindergarten under the purview of and co-located with the primary school of choice.

Procedure: You will need to complete an online form to register under this phase, using your SingPass. 

Results Announced: 22 July 2020 (Wednesday) 

Phase 2B

Registration via online form: From 9am, 23 July 2020 (Thursday) to 4.30pm, 24 July 2020 (Friday)

Eligibility: Only for children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents

(a) For a child whose parent has joined that primary school as a parent volunteer not later than 1 July 2019 and has given at least 40 hours of voluntary service to the school by 30 June 2020.

(b) For a child whose parent is a member endorsed by the church/clan directly connected with the primary school.

(c) For a child whose parent is endorsed as an active community leader.

Procedure: You will need to complete an online form to register under this phase, using your SingPass. You may be requested to provide original documents via em

Note: MOE will reserve 20 places in all schools for Phase 2B to ensure continued open access to all primary schools.

Results Announced: 30 July 2020 (Thursday)

Procedure for Phase 2A(1), Phase 2A(2), Phase 2B

Apart from the application through an online form, parents may be requested to upload copies of the required documents (original documents) to the school, on the concerned dates, at the above mentioned times.

Singapore Citizens (SCs) will be given absolute priority over Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs) when balloting is necessary in a specific phase.

Phase 2C

In this phase, MOE will be introducing a cap on the intake of PR children during the P1 Registration Exercise to prevent any concentration of PR children in the primary schools.

10 schools are said to be affected:

  1. Bukit Timah Primary School
  2. Bukit View Primary School
  3. Changkat Primary School
  4. Greendale Primary School
  5. Marymount Convent School
  6. North Spring Primary School
  7. Opera Estate Primary School
  8. Pioneer Primary School
  9. Tanjong Katong Primary School
  10. Xingnan Primary School

Photo: Ministry of Education, Singapore / Facebook

Registration via P1-IS

From 9am, 3 August 2020 (Monday) to 4.30pm, 5 August 2020 (Wednesday) OR

Registration via online form (for parents unable to use P1-IS):

From 9am, 4 August 2020 (Tuesday) to 4.30pm, 6 August 2020 (Thursday)


  • Only for children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents.
  • For all children who are eligible for Primary 1 in the following year and not yet registered in a primary school.

Note: 20 places will be reserved in all schools for Phase 2C to ensure continued open access to all primary schools.

Procedure: Before you register online, both you and your spouse will need to have valid SingPass with 2-Factor Authentication. Parents may refer here for a simple guide to registering online.

Results Announced: 17 August 2020 (Monday)

Phase 2C Supplementary

In this phase, MOE will be introducing a cap on the intake of PR children during the P1 Registration Exercise to prevent any concentration of PR children in the primary schools. Similarly in Phase 2C, the same 10 schools are said to be affected.

Photo: Ministry of Education, Singapore / Facebook

Registration via P1-IS:

From 9am, 19 August 2020 (Wednesday) to 4.30pm, 20 August 2020 (Thursday) OR

Registration via online form (for parents unable to use P1-IS): 

From 9am, 20 August 2020 (Thursday) to 4.30pm, 21 August 2020 (Friday)

Eligibility: Only for children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents. For a child who is not yet registered in a primary school after Phase 2C.

Procedure: Before you register online, both you and your spouse will need to have valid SingPass with 2-Factor Authentication. Parents may refer here for a simple guide to registering online.

Results Announced: 31 August 2020 (Monday)

Procedure for Phase 2C, 2C Supplementary 

Parents are to submit the online form for registration to the school, as well as uploading of required documents. In the case of P1-IS online registration, parents will need to produce the original of each required documents to the school, as requested.

Singapore Citizens (SCs) will be given absolute priority over Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs) when balloting is necessary in a specific phase.

Note: Parents of Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident children who have not obtained a school place after Phase 2C Supplementary can request MOE to facilitate the child’s placement to a school which still has vacancies.

Phase 3: International Students

Photo: Ministry of Education, Singapore / Facebook

Online Indication of Interest: 9am, 2 June 2020 (Tuesday) to 4.30pm, 8 June 2020 (Monday)

Eligibility for Registration: Only for non-Singapore Citizen (SC) / non-Permanent Resident (PR) children who have indicated their interest and are informed by MOE in October 2020 that they can be offered a P1 place.


  • Step 1: Submit an online ‘indication of interest’ form via the MOE P1 website, from 2 to 8 June 2020.
  • Step 2: Non-SC / non-PR children who have submitted the indication of interest form via email and notified in October 2020 by MOE that their child can be offered a P1 place in the school, must register via the online form during Phase 3 of the 2020 P1 Registration Exercise (in late October 2020).

Those who fail to submit the ‘indication of interest’ form to MOE by 8 June 2020 will not be able to register during Phase 3 of the P1 registration exercise.       

Note: As in previous P1 Registration Exercises, parents of IS should note that school admission at Phase 3 is not guaranteed, since there are limited vacancies after places have been allocated to SC or PR children.

Results Announced: 30 October 2020 (Friday)

For Those Who Need Help With Online Registration 

Parents are advised to set up their SingPass 2-Step Verification in advance and ensure that their SingPass account is valid before the Primary 1 registration exercise starts.

If assistance is required during registration, parents may contact the school of their choice via e-mail or telephone on the days of registration between 9am and 4.30pm.

Do expect delays as schools may experience higher than normal call and email volumes during P1 Registration days.

Other Helpful Resources

The list of primary schools and vacancies available will be updated on the P1 Registration website by mid-June 2020 here

For more information and to keep updated with the P1 Registration Exercise, please visit here.

There is also a Primary School education booklet which you can access here.


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Written by

Jia Ling