Outreach Programmes Reaching Out to Teens

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Authorities are trying all they can to warn kids about loan sharks. According to them, kids often agree to become runners for illegal transactions because of the allure of quick money.

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Outreach for teenagers

Authorities are trying all they can to warn kids about loan sharks. According to them, kids often agree to become runners for illegal transactions because of the allure of quick money.

Easy money is really attractive for kids who are hooked on illegal gambling. They are usually offered credit lines which causes them to accumulate debts. When this happens, they are wary of approaching their parents for help.

Channel News Asia reports that several government agencies are working together to conduct talks and exhibits in schools and other public venues. All these programmes are geared towards preventing kids from becoming involved with loan sharks.

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The President of the Association of Criminal Lawyers Subhas Anandan believes that a jail sentence should not be given to first time offenders. Instead, they should be given a chance to change through rehabilitation programmes.

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Written by

Karen Mira