Why Using Baby Growth Trackers Is A Life-Saver For New Mums

Parenting is a slippery slope and you need all the help you can to get to climb through this arduous road ahead. That’s exactly what theAsianParent’s tracker tools promise to help with as new mums begin their journey into parenthood.

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Parenting can be a daunting task for new mums who are still finding their way around being one. Erratic sleep, postpartum stress and a body still in recovery mode, there are already enough fires to put out. And then, you have the responsibility of your little one.

Your special one needs all the attention, love and care. But this is also a period when most mums are still dealing with self-doubt. Call it the teething period of motherhood, if you will.

Right from feeding concerns, keeping up with their odd sleeping patterns, changing nappies on the fly to keeping a track of their milestones. All of these prerequisites to being a good mummy are enough to tire anyone out.

Amidst all of this, where do mums find time for themselves? They too need all the love and care during this period. And even a little help can go a long way in ensuring a comfortable recovery cycle.

That’s exactly why mums you need to remember. You aren’t in this alone. For all the love and support that you nurture your infant with, theAsianParent app’s growth tracker tools aim to make your life much simpler and more streamlined than ever before.

Why? Because mums deserve more!

Click here to use the Baby Care Trackers

Feeding, Sleeping & Diaper Tracker Tools on theAsianParent app

The sleeping, feeding and diaper trackers are your new companions in this journey of parenting. The tools help track the pattern of your baby’s feeding habits. Be it breastfeeding or formula milk, the tool will allow you to monitor the time spent nursing.

Similarly, a diaper tracker tool allows you to log details on the poop and pee patterns of your little one. How many times did they relieve themselves throughout the day? What was the colour and texture of the poop like? Was it something out of the ordinary? Believe it or not but their poop has answers to all of that.

And lastly, the sleeping tracker helps bring a pattern in the early days after childbirth. Did your little one have a good night’s sleep? Are they hitting their milestones? Can you do something to improve their quality of sleep? The app has answers to all of these questions.`

Why Do Mums Need The Sleeping, Feeding And Diaper Tracker Tools?

When you log this data in these trackers, you not only get more quantified data about your baby but also a chance to organise your time more effectively towards completing other tasks.

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Your parenting life won’t be as inconsistent anymore. Find more time to do things like preparing a meal for yourself, reading a book or simply taking a bath. We understand that even the extra minute of “me time” means the world to you.

Image Source: Pexels

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An App Developed “For Mums, By Mums”

To understand your needs better, theAsianParent worked with mums just like you to create these trackers. The app integrates valuable insight from mums just like you. We understand that mums deserve more than just 24 hours in a day. And while that may not be possible, we can contribute a little to help you organise it in a much more efficient way.

That’s why we proudly call these trackers, #ForMumsByMums.

All you need to do is download the app for free from either the Google Play Store or the iOS App Store and check out our sleep tracker.

Do remember, every baby grows at a different pace and will achieve their milestones differently. All you need to ensure is that they do meet their respective milestones from time to time. Make sure to consult your child's paediatrician for optimal results. 

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Written by

Sameer C