Newborn Head: All You Need To Know About Soft Spots

Newborn heads are often quite oddly shaped. Read this article for information related to your newborn's head - what is normal and what is not.

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After months of waiting, your baby is almost here. And while you probably have an image in your mind about how your precious bub will look like, you may be quite surprised to see he looks nothing like it when he is born!

Peeling skin, acne and a misshapen head are just some of the strange features many newborns sport at birth. These features may linger on for a few days, or even weeks following birth (of course, in your eyes he is still perfectly adorable!)

This article is about the newborn head -- which may not be as sweetly round as you imagined it to be -- and brings you information related to this topic, giving all you expecting and new mums one less thing to worry about.

Head Circumference of Baby

A newborn's head circumference is measured at the widest part of the head, typically just above the ears and eyes. While there are no specific guidelines for what constitutes an "acceptable" or "normal" head circumference for a given age, most doctors will monitor it during routine checkups to ensure that your baby's growth is on track.

Head circumference measures can be taken at birth, but it's recommended that you wait until your baby is at least one month old before taking them regularly.

A low head circumference may indicate that your child has experienced some type of trauma or brain damage, so if you notice any unusual changes in their head measurements, contact your doctor immediately.

Newborn Head: Coneheads, Flat Heads, Soft Spots and More

You can clearly see this baby's soft spot. Image: Baby safety concerns/ Pinterest

As long as you know what is normal and what is not when it comes to your newborn's head, there's no need to be anxious.

1. Soft Spots

There are two soft spots, or fontanelles, located on your newborn's head -- one on the top and the other at the back. It is called a fontanelle because it resembles a small fountain or spring where water flows out.

These spots serve two very important purposes: (a) they helped your little one's skull shift and mould to pass through your birth canal, and (b) they create room for your baby's rapidly expanding brain after birth.

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According to neonatal experts, the bigger, diamond-shaped soft spot located at the top of your baby's head can be up to two inches wide. It starts to close when your little one is around six months old and closes completely when he is around 18 months old.

The second soft spot on the back of your baby's head is harder to find, around half an inch wide and usually triangular.

Don't be surprised if you catch your baby's fontanelles pulsating in time to his heartbeat! While you might find this scary, Dr Tia Hubbard, nursery paediatrician at the University of California at San Diego Medical Center, tells you not to worry and that the soft spots are tougher than you think.

"It is supposed to be soft, because it allows for the rapid growth of the brain that occurs in the first year of life. But you can touch it; it's not that fragile," she tells WebMD.

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Also, the soft spots are covered by thick, fibrous membranes that protect your baby's brain. Still, you or other caregivers should not be bouncing or shaking your newborn baby. Neither should others (older siblings included) be actively touching or poking these soft spots.

Your baby's cone head at birth is quite normal, and is a result of his soft skull plates molding together to let him pass through your birth canal.

2. Baby Head Shape and Size


During birth, pressure from your birth canal often causes the bones that make up your baby's skull to shift and overlap in order to pass through the birth canal.

With all this pressure on his skull, don't be surprised to see your little one has a pointy head or cone-shaped skull at birth.

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This is more likely if you have a long labour, or a vacuum is used to assist with the birth, and less likely if you have a C-section, or your baby is born feet-first.

Your baby's cone-shaped head is perfectly normal; within a few days, his head will become more rounded.


Another thing you may notice about your baby or newborn's head at birth is how big it looks compared to the rest of his body. Again, this is normal, and as your baby fills out, his head will match the rest of his body.

Image from KKH

Flat Head Syndrome

Because the plates that make up your baby's skull are still relatively soft and malleable even after birth, laying him down with his head in the same position can push his head out of shape, resulting in a flat spot.

This is known as positional plagiocephaly, say neonatal experts at KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH).

"Plagiocephaly does not affect the development of a baby's brain, but if not treated it may change their physical appearance by causing uneven growth of their face and head," they say.

Baby Flat Head - When to Worry

When you notice your baby has a flat spot on the back of their head, it's natural to worry. Flat head syndrome is a condition that affects babies and young children. It happens when the soft cartilage in the skull flattens against one side of the head after being in one position for too long.

Flat Head Syndrome can occur if your baby spends too much time lying on their back or when they lie with their head turned to one side while they sleep. It can also happen if your baby spends too much time in car seats, bouncy seats, swings or strollers where they're not being held upright enough to keep their head straight. 

Flathead syndrome is one of the most common birth defects, affecting an estimated 1 in 50 babies. It happens when the baby's skull doesn't develop properly during pregnancy, and the bones don't grow in an upright position. This can cause issues with breastfeeding and developmental delays if not treated early on.

Image Source: iStock

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The good news is that most cases are mild and can be fixed with simple techniques like placing a beanie on your baby's head or using a pillow at night. If your child has a more severe flat head syndrome, you can ask your doctor about treatment options such as physical therapy or surgery.

If your child has any signs of flat head syndrome—such as a sunken area on their forehead or back of the skull, difficulty feeding or breathing—it's important to seek medical attention immediately!

Tips for Mums: Evening Out Your Baby’s Uneven Head

Your baby's flat head is almost always no cause for concern, except for cosmetic reasons, and over the next few weeks and months this flat spot should round out.

Here are some tips related to what you can do at home to help encourage the rounding out of your baby's head:

  • Tummy time: Ensuring your baby gets adequate tummy time each day will help with this by strengthening the muscles in your baby's neck and encouraging better head control. This "will help your baby keep pressure more evenly distributed on the skull."
  • Carry your baby more often: Holding your baby more often when he is awake will help ease pressure on your baby's head from car seats, carriers and infant swings.
  • Change direction: While it's really important that you keep placing your baby on his back to sleep, try alternating the direction your baby's head faces when you place him down to sleep. You could also change the direction your baby's head faces in the cot -- so near the cot foot one day and near the cot head the next day. Also, try alternating the arm you hold your baby with at each feeding.
  • Creative interaction: If your baby is awake and on his back, position yourself on the opposite side of his flat spot and coo, talk or sing to him so he is encouraged to look your way. You could also try changing the position of your baby's cot in the room, so he has interesting new things to look at.

Supervised tummy time when your baby is awake can help avoid or correct a baby's flat head

Old-time remedies to avoid

The auntie next door, your mother-in-law or even your own mother may have a few 'remedies' for your baby's flat head which they will eagerly recommend, like using their hands to 'mould' baby's head, almost like making rice dumplings -- this is okay as long as too much pressure is not exerted.

Please avoid using the following:

  • Beansprout/ donut pillow: experts strongly discourage the use of any bedding in your baby's cot (even a flat pillow) to prevent the risk of Sudden Infant Death syndrome.
  • Sarong/hammock/yao lan: Dr Michael Lim -- a consultant for the Paediatric Pulmonary & Sleep Service, Department of Paediatrics, National University Hospital -- advises against placing babies to sleep in a hammock/sarong/yao lan due to the potential health risks. 

Sometimes, when treatment is necessary, KKH medical experts suggest you consult with a specialist (plastic surgeon) if your baby's flat spot has not corrected itself when your baby is between four to eight months of age.

Treatment is usually provided by a team including a plastic surgeon, orthodontist and paediatric physiotherapist, and may involve your baby wearing a special moulded helmet or band that applies gentle pressure, easing away the flat spot.

For best results, your baby will have to wear the helmet for 23 hours a day through the treatment period. The helmet will be adjusted on a regular basis to allow for the growth of your baby's head.

Some babies are born with a full head of hair, like this one, other have no hair. Don't worry - this is not permanent!

3. Hair

At birth, your baby might be as bald as your grandfather (and stay that way for months!), have a downy fuzz covering his head, or have a shockingly full head of thick hair.

Remember that the hair he has as a newborn often won't resemble the locks he'll have as a child. Also, newborn hair often falls out in the first few weeks, growing back in a different texture or colour.

If your baby is placed on his back to sleep with his head in the same position, you may also notice a bald spot on his head. Changing the position of his head (see above) will help with both the bald spot and in preventing a flat spot on his head.

4. Cradle cap

Also known as seborrhoeic dermatitis, this condition causes the skin of your baby's scalp to peel, presenting as scaly pink to red patches on the affected area. 

Cradle cap is normal and usually goes away on its own. Just make sure to wash your baby's hair regularly with mild shampoo. Also, avoid picking on the thick white patch on your newborn's head. 

When To Be Concerned About Your Baby’s Head

More often than not, the oddities related to your baby's head will go away on their own or with a bit of help from you. But sometimes, you may notice signs that indicate a more severe problem.

Experts say that a sunken soft spot could indicate dehydration. A bulging fontanelle may be a sign of pressure on the brain. Call your baby's doctor immediately if you notice either.

If you notice your baby is holding his head tilted to one side very frequently, this could be due to a muscular condition such as torticollis.

Consult your baby's paediatrician in this case, who may recommend physical therapy. This will help stretch the affected muscles, letting your baby change his head position without discomfort.

Very rarely, two or more of the plates in a baby's head may fuse early in a condition known as craniosynostosis, according to Mayo Clinic medical experts.

What this does is cause other parts of the baby's head to look misshapen as the brain grows and pushes them out of shape.

Treatment for this involves surgery to separate the fused plates of the baby's skull.

Parents, as mentioned before, many common issues related to your newborn's head should sort themselves out on their own.

Why Does My Baby Sweat So Much From the Head

When you think of sweaty babies, you might immediately think of the summer months. But it's not just when it's hot out that babies sweat. Babies can sweat at any time of the year—even in the winter! 

While this may seem like a strange thing to worry about, there are some reasons why baby sweating is normal and healthy. Here are some things you need to know:

  1. It's normal for babies to have high temperatures and excessive sweating
  2. This means that they're regulating their body temperature effectively
  3. Babies should never be too cold or too hot
  4. If your baby is sweating excessively from the head, there might be an underlying medical condition

However, as always, your baby's paediatrician should be your first port of call for all matters related to your baby's health. 

Image Source: iStock

Updated by Pheona Ilagan

Here at theAsianparent Singapore, it's important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn't serve as an alternative for medical advice or medical treatment. theAsianparent Singapore is not responsible for those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend consulting your doctor for clearer information.

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Nalika Unantenne