Diagnosed with cancer, this New Zealand teen delivers a heart-lifting speech you won't forget easily

"A week before I was due to deliver (this) speech tonight, they said, you've got cancer. They said, if you don't get any treatment in the next three weeks, you're going to die." Watch this emotional valedictory address by New Zealand high school senior Jack Bailey, that has gone viral online.

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We think the following excerpts from this incredible young man’s speech are  absolutely inspiring, and that all parents should share these words of wisdom with their children:

“Forget about having long-term dreams. Let’s be passionately dedicated to the pursuit of short-term goals. Micro-ambitious. Work with pride on what is in front of us. We don’t know where we might end up. Or when it might end up.

“None of us get out of life alive so be gallant, be great, be gracious, be grateful for the opportunities you have.”

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Read the transcript of Jack Bailey’s full speech here.

theAsianparent wishes Jack all the very best. He has certainly made his mark on the world and is an inspiration to all youth everywhere.

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Leave your own message to Jack in a comment below. 

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