5 Things every woman over 28 should jot down for New Year’s Resolutions

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28 is when life actually begins! You are responsible, rising through the career ranks, or being the cornerstone of your family. However, you may have neglected these 5 things, and there are still a few more days left in 2017 to state down your new year’s resolutions… Make them count!

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My friend said something profound the other day. Life begins at 28! From here on, you have some savings, may have started a family, or are serious about dating. That said, you may be so caught up with being successful that you may have neglected these 5 things. So, before the year ends, here are 5 things to note when planning your new year’s resolutions.

#1 Reconnect with yourself

When was the last time you did something for yourself? Between juggling your roles as a brilliant mother, a good spouse, or a great employee, you may have forgotten how it was like to pamper yourself. No, we are not talking about the stolen spa sessions. They hardly count. We are talking about reconnecting with the real you.

You used to be a fun person before life and responsibility kicked in. So get those books out. You need to make time for yourself because guess what, no one else is going to. Reconnect with your inner self by rekindling the affair with the hobbies you used to have. Go biking, go hiking, do something. It is going to release endorphins in your system, something that is going to make you feel good much longer than a spa session. When you feel good, everything glows.

#2 Learn something new

While you get reacquainted with yourself, this is also the time to learn some new skills. Thankfully, there are a lot of learning resources available online, and on campuses. So enrol for a course today, and it will help you in your professional development.

However, there is always something new to learn that is not related to your profession. So take up a new language, learn how to play the guitar. Do something that you could never do until today! This is one of the best new year’s resolutions you can make!

#3 Catch up with your dear ones!

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When is the last time you had a girls’ night out? Or just met all of your family under one roof? Well. Christmas is here, so it is the perfect time to organise a party. Invite everyone, even the slightly annoying Uncle Ben. He is family at the end of the day, isn’t he?

And then, have a girls’ night out. Spend it not judging each other and judging others, (or whatever makes you happy!) You will realise that such moments are going to be rare going forward. So make the most of it!

#4 Ensure that you are alright

While you concentrate on your mental health, you also need to take care of your physical health. It is recommended that after this age of 28 years old, you see your gynaecologist regularly. The idea is to catch anything abnormal early, and also to be aware of your overall well-being as a woman. This is especially important noting rising cases in women’s cancers such as cervical cancer.

Two strains of Human Papilloma Virus are thought to be responsible for the pre-cancerous changes in the cervix. At most times, symptoms are not obvious, so it is important to go for regular screenings, in particular, an HPV DNA test with a gynaecologist.

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A Pap smear is also recommended routinely after age 28 to detect changes in the cervix. Thinprep® Pap Test is a more advanced test where the accuracy of the test is higher compared to conventional Pap Smear Test. So, lesser chances of a false negative, hence providing more assurance and peace of mind. In the event where an abnormality is detected, actions can be taken swiftly.

At Gleneagles Hospital, a team of dedicated gynaecologists will see to it that your routine screening is as comfortable as it can be. And it all costs less than a Christmas present, where a Thinprep Pap Test costs S$25 and an HPV DNA test S$75. Get both the tests at S$90 with GST.

So, book an appointment and see a gynaecologist today. The number to call for appointments is 6812 3788 or visit the website here for more details.

#5 Spread the word!

While you do that, look out for the other women in your life as well. Ask your mum when she last had a pap smear or saw a gynaecologist. Before the year ends, ask your friends and colleagues. And it is 2017, so discuss this with your male colleagues as well. They will appreciate it and ensure that the women in their lives get a screening done as well.

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With 2017 coming to a close, you have even more reasons to ensure a fabulous start for 2018… So, don’t forget these 5 things for your emotional and physical health and wellbeing.


At Gleneagles Hospital, a team of over 300 multidisciplinary doctors and allied professionals are on your side to help diagnose, treat, and assist every woman on her road to recovery.

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Written by

Anay Bhalerao