8 New Year Resolutions For New Dads

What are some of the pledges you should be taking in the new year, as a new dad?

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Congratulations dad-to-be! A little bird tells us that you're going to welcome a brand new addition to your family next year and we know that you must be super excited.

Becoming a father is a journey. It's a journey of joy, excitement, love, trepidation and sometimes fear. And as you step out on this amazing path of fatherhood, do consider these resolutions in the new year and beyond.

Take every chance to show your partner just how much you love her

1. Make the love of your life and mother of your child feel special

Becoming a mother is whirlwind of emotions, so don't be surprised if your partner has extreme highs and lows of emotion at times.

Make a promise to be there for her through these times -- especially the lows. She is bound to feel unattractive at some point.

Ease her fears, and this won't be so hard to do. Because, you would never have seen beauty like your wife's when her face glows with love as she sees your child for the first time.

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Get involved in baby duties!

2. Be present, be involved

You may feel that baby is all mummy's and mummy's alone. But make the effort to spend alone-time with baby and be involved in his life from those early days. Give your little one a bath, change his diapers, dress him and rock him to sleep.

What this will do is establish an extra-special bond between you and your little one, and give mum some much needed down time.

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3. Scale back on your hobbies

Love to watch movies in your spare time? Play tennis? Whatever your hobbies are, be prepared to dedicate more time to a brand new passion -- fatherhood and your new baby.

Your hobbies can wait, but your baby won't. You'll simply be channeling your energy and time into a new and totally rewarding new venture called parenthood!

There's nothing like reading!

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4. Read books to your little one

In this electronic age, it's so easy to forget the absolute pleasure of reading a (real) book to your child. Even though your baby may still be a newborn, she will still be soothed by the sound of your voice, and for you, it's the start of a beautiful father-child ritual.

Also, research has shown that daddies reading books to their children is actually better for their kids. So get reading in the new year -- and keep reading too!

5. Stay healthy

With a little one on the way, your health has never been more important. The lifestyle habits you have and follow will have a huge influence on your child as she grows up.

So promise yourself that you will set a good example to her by eating well and exercising frequently. Both your body and your child will thank you for it some day.

Other dads can be a wealth of knowledge when you have a question or need reassurance.

6. Find a dad friend

Just as your wife will experience a whole range of new emotions with the birth of your child, so will you. Since aspects of a dad's experience of parenthood will be different to those of a mother, turn to your friends who are also dads to share your thoughts and concerns with. You will find them to be a wealth of experience and knowledge.

You will lose sleep when you have a baby

7. Accept the "Sleep is overrated!" challenge

With a new baby in your life, sleep will undoubtedly be less. You will be tired and there may be days when your mind will be in a fog. But soon, you will learn to function on just 4-6 hours of sleep (sometimes less) a night. It's normal and eventually, you will adjust.

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8. Make sure your little one grows up knowing just how much you love her mum

Be abundant with your love for your wife and don't hold back on showing it, even though your baby is still teeny-tiny. If you have a boy, he will grow up learning how to cherish and respect women. And if you have a girl, she will learn exactly how a man should be treat her when she grows up.

If you are going to be a dad next year, what are your resolutions? Do share them with us in a comment below. 

Written by

Nalika Unantenne