Never leave your child alone: This Grandfather accidentally drowns toddler during bath time

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What a could have been a great bonding experience quickly turned into a nightmare when grandfather left the toddler to herself

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Some parents find the thought of bathing their infants intimidating. Other than the fact that it can be challenging, we are also terrified of hurting our baby in the process. And rightly so. It is a delicate process which requires more thought than knowing which products to use.

In a hotel in Wellington, New Zealand a 24-month-old toddler perished during a bath time gone wrong.

Fernando Riquelme, who often cared for his granddaughters, offered to run a warm bath for his granddaughter Leila while her parents were out. He filled the tub with water and left Leila in it before he went into the adjoining bedroom for three minutes.

When he went back, he found Leila lying on her side, her nose mouth submerged under water. He picked her up and began to splash cold water on her face in an attempt to revive her.

He then placed her on the bed and checked for a pulse, and when he could not, he called the reception for help.

The paramedics performed a CPR on the toddler in an attempt to revive her, but after twenty minutes of failed attempts, Leila was pronounced dead.

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The grandfather’s action showed “an unsuccessful degree of caution and care towards the deceased,” said detective Sergeant Mark Scott in an official report.

How to bathe your baby?

Bath time should be a fun experience for both parent and child, and it shouldn’t be weighed down by the apprehension that something might go astray. Follow these simple tips to make sure you’re doing bath time right:

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  • Bathing your children everyday dries out their skin. Simple wet wipes would suffice, especially if you focus on these key areas: face, neck, and diaper area.
  • Whether you give them a bath in the morning or night does not matter; it’s a matter of personal choice. They all have their own benefits: morning baths make for a more fun experience, while night baths help babies sleep better.
  • The recommended amount of water in the tub 2 to 3 inches (about 5 to 8 centimeters) of warm water. To keep the baby warm, pour warm water over his or her body throughout the bath.

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