My first labour experience

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Diana shares her labour story with

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My first labour experience was a joy. I had a false labour about a month before my EDD (estimated delivery date). Afterwhich, I was asked to be on bed rest. My waterbag burst on a Wednesday afternoon. We consulted a midwife but was given a choice either to wait or go to the hospital immediately as my waterbag didn’t burst all
at once.

We finally arrived at the hospital in the evening after having dinner at Swensens. I didn’t experience any contractions and wasn’t dilating. I was having contractions th next day and it got worst every other minute. Still, I wasn’t dilating. After consulting my gynae, I was finally induced and gradually started to dilate.

Throughout my first labour experience, I didn’t take any epidural. And at last, on Friday, 17th April 2009 my first princess was born. Exactly on my EDD!

That was indeed an experience of a life time! Hope my next labour in September will be a smoother one!

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