Muslim Marriage Solemnisation In Person To Be Allowed At ROMM, Mosques; Virtual Option Still Preferred

Couples, in general, should still opt for virtual marriages to better protect themselves and their loved ones from the risk of infection - MCCY

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The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore – MUIS, and ROMM – Registry of Muslim Marriages in Singapore, announced that Muslim couples can opt to take their vows to solemnise their marriage in person, rather than virtually, starting today (June 2).

The announcement that came on Sunday (May 31), further stipulated that the attendees for solemnisations will be limited to 10 members, and that taking vows via video links are still encouraged. 

Muslim marriages in Singapore allowed to be solemnised in person from June 2. Photo: iStock

Muslim marriages in Singapore

Physical solemnisations to go ahead with strict guidelines in place

With the easing up of circuit breaker measures that start today (June 2), Muslim couples now have the option of physically solemnising their marriage; proceedings will first only be resumed at the ROMM building, with further plans to host proceedings at designated mosuqes in the offing from June 13, for now. 

The announcement is in tandem with guidelines previously announced by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), allowing in-person ceremonies with a crowd limit of 10 attendees who must all be immediate family members related to the couple, apart from the two witnesses. 

Relatives that can be on the guestlist for solemnisations for Muslim marriages in Singapore during Phase 1 of the easing up of circuit breaker measures include the bride, the groom, two male witnesses, five other immediate family members related to the couple, and the bride’s lawful guardian. 


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Attendees will be capped at 10 family members, and 2 witnesses. Photo: iStock


Aged relatives and seniors have been advised not to attend solemnisation ceremonies as they are particularly susceptible to contracting the COVID-19 infection. 

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Further, physical interactions between members of different families and households are not allowed, with those in attendance maintaining a 1m distance from one another. Attendees must also minimise their times in the ROMM premises, and later in mosques when marriage ceremonies are able to be hosted there. There should also be a one-way flow of human traffic for entering and exiting the solemnisation area.


Virtual Muslim marriages in Singapore still the preferred alternative

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Virtual proceedings still encouraged over in-person solemnisation. Photo: iStock

Parliament on May 5 enacted a law recognising virtual Muslim marriages in Singapore and couples of the faith have been allowed to get married via video link since May 18. The arrangement was approved by the Mufti, after his office confirmed the religious validity of virtual marriages. 

Despite the option for physical solemnisation of marriages now being open to the public, ROMM and Muis both referred to the virtual option of getting married via video links which would still remain in operation after June 2, as “safer than in-person solemnisations” and that more family members can witness the proceedings this way. 

The view has further been corroborated by MCCY who has encouraged couples of all faiths, in general, to opt for virtual marriages to “better protect themselves and their loved ones from the risk of infection”.

However, this is not in line with some religious beliefs that stipulate the couple to get married in person as physical interaction is a crucial requirement. 

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Written by

Shabnam Muzammil