Mum kicked out of “Bad Moms” screening because she was breastfeeding

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“I didn’t know what my rights were and I wasn’t going to make a deal because I was so hurt and wanted to go home.”

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For a group of 50 Florida moms who just wanted to unwind with their girlfriends by watching the film “Bad Moms,” their date, which took almost a month to prepare and coordinate, didn’t go as they had expected it.

The series of unfortunate events began when mom Brooklynn Cahill, carrying her one-month-old baby, was asked to leave the theater.

“I was confused because the baby was going to be sleeping the whole time,” Brooklynn said as per NY Daily News. “And if they are fussy we know how to handle the situation.”

This incident was then followed by another, when Brooklynn’s friend Juliana Valverdeher outside and protested the management’s decision. After all, there had been other children inside, and they weren’t asked to leave.

“I told the guy, ‘Why are these children still here?’,” said Juliana, “and he said it was none of our concern.”

According to the same report, Juliana was then escorted to the lobby where she asked to speak to the senior management. When her daughter began to fuss, she sat down on a bench and nursed.

“I was trying to hold off but I thought maybe I could calm her down so I stepped a couple feet away with a blanket,” she said.

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It was there that the same manager who had asked Brooklynn to leave scolded her for breastfeeding.

“He looked over at me with disgust and I stopped,” said Juliana.

Because of this incident, she has planned to sue the theater; after all, her rights were violated.

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“The state of Florida, by statute, permits a mother to breastfeed in a public or private place without precondition or having to cover up or be embarrassed,” her attorney, Sawyer Smith, said.

Photo credit: Juliana Valverde

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Prior to the incident, Juliana said she wasn’t aware of her breastfeeding rights.

“I didn’t know what my rights were and I wasn’t going to make a deal because I was so hurt and wanted to go home.”

Meanwhile, Sawyer Smith is confident that the ruling will be on Juliana’s favour.

They have also asked for the theater’s surveillance footage to be preserved so so that he can “get more into the facts of the case.”

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Written by

James Martinez