Young mother dies after being crushed by train, her two-year-old daughter survives

The train crushed the mother to death, while the child only sustained minor injuries.

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Travelling with younger kids can be quite challenging especially if you're a young parent. They require a lot of looking after, and not to mention, you would be carrying a huge mum bag of stuff too. A lot can go wrong. 

Indeed, a lot did go wrong. Recent news have reported a young mother crushed by train after falling out of the carriage, while her two-year-old daughter sustained injuries. 

Young mother crushed by train, daughter survives

Young mother crushed by train seen to have been exiting the train while it was still moving. | Source: Asia One

A 21 year-old mother and her two-year-old daughter were alighting from a train at a station in Nakhon Si Thammarat in southern Thailand but the train had not stopped moving yet. The mother was crushed by the moving train and was dragged for over 60 metres before the train came to a stop. 

Stationmaster Somporn Buachuay said that the mother Benjawan Duangsuwan, had tried to alight the train while it was still moving, causing her and her daughter to fall out of the train and onto the tracks. 

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Benjawan died on the spot while her daughter miraculously only sustained minor injuries. The two-year-old girl was rushed immediately to Por Than Klay Wajasit Hospital.

The incident took place at the Klong Chandee railway station in Moo 4 village in Tambon Chandee in Chanwang district on the morning of November 30. The Kantang train had been travelling from Bangkok to Tambon Chandee.

Benjawan's stepfather, Sawat Khao, later told police that the woman was supposed to meet him at the station to get her motorcycle key.

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Travelling with young kids

Travelling with young kids can be tough, especially on young parents. To make sure no unnecessary accidents or incidents occur, here are some tips we suggest: 

1. Always travel with another adult

Even if you can't get your husband to tag along with you, try bringing along a friend or a family member. This can help you manage your child better because the other adult can help with things like carrying your bag or watching your young child while you're using the bathroom or gathering your stuff. In the event you really cannot travel with another adult, we bring you to point two. 

2. Travel as light as possible

Oh, we know the pain of travelling with young kids, especially infants who are still breastfeeding. You have to bring diapers, you have to bring wet wipes, milk bottles, your breast pump, a set of clothes for the baby AND yourself. The list goes on. But if you choose only the essentials for that every diaper bag needs, you should be good to go! 

3. Always choose child-friendly airlines

If you have to travel alone, then try to choose a child-friendly airline because chances are, the staff will be well-equipped to help you with your needs. Some airlines understand the need for comfort and kid-friendliness for families with children. Some airlines even offer free flights to kids!

4. Don't forget your travel insurance

A very important point about travelling with kids is that you want to have a comprehensive travel insurance plan that covers the most for you and your kids abroad. Overseas cost for hospitalisation or medication can be sky high and you don't want to be stuck with a mountain of debt to come home to after your trip. 

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Source: Asia One

Written by

Sarah Voon