9 Most Unfaithful Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating On Their Wives

We list them down from the most likely to the least likely.

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How do you determine your partner’s loyalty in a relationship? For some it may be about not meeting people of the opposite sex. For others, it may be about standing and supporting each other through the bad as much as the good aspects of life.

Everyone has a different take on what it means to be faithful. While some partners are naturally old-school about the definition, others may not be as firm on their ideology. And may have their zodiac sign to blame for failing the loyalty test.

In fact, zodiac signs play a big role in a lot of behaviour patterns for people. And you can find these common traits among individuals sharing one of the 12 zodiac signs.

As with all generalisations, your zodiac sign does not determine if your husband is indeed cheating or is absolutely faithful. People can act different and it’s important to take time and speak to your partner about your ideas of loyalty, faithfulness and infidelity.

However, if you’re wondering which are the most unfaithful zodiac signs when it comes to men, read on to find out. 

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1. Pisces: February 19 – March 20

As it turns out, the ones most likely to cheat in a relationship belong to the zodiac sign – Pisces. They are normally sensitive and extremely emotional about things, but can’t help act upon the slightest inconvenience or mood swing. So, if you’ve had a fight and they decided to step out for the night, it may not the best idea. 

At the same time, they also work hard on their relationship even if the relationship is going through a turbulent phase. This is also problematic because instead of ending a strained relationship, they may go astray hurting multiple people in the process.

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2. Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Gemini is extremely needy when it comes to a relationship and the spouse needs to give them attention 24×7. The problem is when the partner stops giving them attention, they are tempted to find someone who does. Geminis are also indecisive and so, they will keep their options open or have a plan B in place. 

So, unless you are contributing to their needs in the relationship, they won’t want to have you around. 

3. Libra: September 23 – October 22

Librans are big flirts and that’s one of the reasons people are hesitant to be with them in a relationship. However, this quality also makes them fun to be around and you will get a lot of attention when they are at the top of their game.

However, be careful because Librans can easily shower the same praise and attention towards other people. And while most of it may be harmless, it could go too far on some occasions. 

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4. Leo: July 23 – August 22

When it comes to the most unfaithful zodiac signs, Leos may not be on the top of the list but they sure act like they want to be there. A Leo is dramatic and wants all the attention from their partner at all times. So, if you are not treating them the way they think they deserve to be, you can expect them to find that validation elsewhere. 

5. Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Aquarian partners may not be unfaithful right off the bat but are known to be flirty. They are likely to keep things close with ex-partners or lead someone on at the club.

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But it’s not necessary they’ll be physically cheating on you. They like attention and can choose emotional infidelity, which can be as draining as a physical one. 

6. Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Scorpions usually sit on the other side of the spectrum when it comes to the most unfaithful zodiac signs. However, that only stays as long as the partner is loyal in the relationship. The moment they find out that you cheated on them, all hell will break loose. 

7. Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Capricorns look at specific aspects of their relationship. This usually centres around happiness, support and stability. However, not every partner can provide all of these all the time. So, when they do not find it at home, odds are they will look for it outside. 

8. Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Sagittarian partners have high moral standards and look down upon cheating or anything that can affect their reputation. So, you can expect them to stay loyal in a relationship for a long time.

However, if they do find someone more interesting outside of your relationship, there’s a good chance they will ask you to keep things “open” rather than cheat on you. 

9. Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Virgos are some of the most loyal people in this dozen and will not have the thought of cheating coming to their minds first. They’ll put in the effort to make a relationship work but if they are unhappy, they will be clear and open about it. So, while cheating is off the table, do not expect the relationship to last either. 

10. Taurus: April 20 – May 20

Taurians will not cheat on you. This is partly true because they are loyal but largely because they are lazy. And cheating takes effort in a lot of ways. So rather than putting extra effort to manage two partners, they would rather stick to their partner and put the effort in making it work. 

Sounds a bit selfish? Yes. Is it a bad thing? No.

11. Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Coming down to the most faithful zodiac signs in the order, Cancerians are one of the most faithful folks out there and least likely to cheat in a relationship. They consider family in high regard and are always looking for emotional support. 

Cheating, on the other hand, crosses with their need to be secure and stable all the time. So they are not likely to do it but will find ways to make the relationship work for her.

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12. Aries: March 21- April 19

Aries sits at the bottom of this list of the most unfaithful zodiac signs. They are the most faithful and come across as rude or harsh. However, this is more out of their strong-willed nature than anything else and they do mean to keep things straight in a relationship. However, it does not mean they can’t cheat.

But this also means that they will factor in how the other person would feel about the infidelity. So, odds are less about them deceiving you in a relationship. 


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Written by

Sameer C