Finding Your Mom Tribe: What Makes a Great Mom Friend?

Want to upgrade your mom tribe? Dive into the secrets of finding the perfect mom friend! From empathy to shared values, you can navigate parenthood together!

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Parenting is a rollercoaster ride full of twists, turns, and loop-the-loops. Amidst the chaos, having a supportive network of fellow moms can make all the difference. Mom friends aren't just companions for playdates. They're lifelines, confidantes, and sources of wisdom. But what exactly makes a good mom friend? Let's delve into the insights shared by moms themselves.

Empathy and Understanding

One of the most vital qualities in a mom friend is empathy. Motherhood is a journey filled with challenges. From sleepless nights to temper tantrums, and having someone who truly understands can be a game-changer. A good mom friend listens without judgment. She validates your feelings and offers a shoulder to lean on when times get tough. Whether it's commiserating over toddler meltdowns or celebrating small victories, empathy forms the bedrock of a strong mom friendship.

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Non-Judgmental Attitude

In the world of parenting, there's no shortage of opinions on the "right" way to raise a child. However, a good mom friend knows that there's no one-size-fits-all approach. They respect your choices, whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed, co-sleep or use a crib, and they refrain from passing judgment. Instead, they offer support and encouragement, recognising that every family is unique and that there's no room for mom-shaming in genuine friendships.

Reliability and Dependability

Life as a parent can be unpredictable, with schedules constantly in flux and emergencies lurking around every corner. That's why reliability is a prized trait in a mom friend. Whether it's picking up your child from school in a pinch or bringing over a hot meal when you're under the weather, a good mom friend is there when you need them most. They understand the value of reliability in building trust and know that small gestures can make a world of difference in a fellow mom's life.

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Shared Values and Interests

While parenthood might be the common thread that initially brings moms together, shared values and interests can further cement the bond. Whether it's a passion for sustainable living, a love of crafting, or a shared career background, common ground outside of parenting can deepen the connection. These shared interests provide opportunities for bonding beyond playdates, fostering a sense of camaraderie that extends beyond the realm of parenting.

Honesty and Authenticity

In a world where social media often portrays an idealised version of motherhood, honesty and authenticity are refreshing qualities in a mom friend. A good mom friend isn't afraid to show the messy side of parenting—the tantrums, the tears, the self-doubt. They share their own struggles openly, creating a safe space where you can do the same without fear of judgment. Through honesty and authenticity, true connections are forged, and friendships stand the test of time.

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Respect for Boundaries

Parenting comes with its fair share of boundaries, whether it's around screen time, discipline, or personal space. A good mom friend respects these boundaries without question, understanding that every family has its own rules and routines. They don't overstep or offer unsolicited advice but instead offer support in navigating the challenges of parenthood on your own terms.

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In the unpredictable journey of motherhood, having a good mom friend by your side can make all the difference. From empathy and understanding to reliability and shared values, the qualities that define a good mom friend are rooted in kindness, respect, and authenticity. By fostering these qualities in our own friendships, we can create a supportive network of moms who lift each other up, celebrate each other's victories, and navigate the ups and downs of parenting together. After all, it takes a village to raise a child—and a tribe of mom friends to keep you sane along the way.

Written by

Pheona Ilagan