MindChamps PreSchool to incorporate ground-breaking Reading Program

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Developed through extensive research and development by the award-winning team behind MindChamps PreSchool, the MindChamps Reading enrichment program for children aged 3 to 7 years, was first launched as a standalone program in 2011.

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MindChamps PreSchool to incorporate ground-breaking Reading Program
It incorporates 5 key proprietary pillars (strategies) based on methodologies that have been validated over years of research:

1)         Narrative Intelligence

2)         Higher Order Thinking Skills

3)         Connectivity

4)         Attentiveness

5)         Language in Comprehension

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Using proven teaching methodology to cater to children with different learning styles (e.g., 33% of school-aged children are visual-spatial learners and need advanced teaching strategies related to reading), the program proved highly successful in its first year. This convinced the team to incorporate it into the MindChamps PreSchool curriculum.

Reading Myths

According to MindChamps’ founder and Group CEO Mr David Chiem, reading programs of the past were about rote learning and using flashcards, while many reading programs today are about decoding and phonics. He says, “MindChamps Reading is different and ground-breaking because it recognises that reading is not just about the ability to read, but the ability to think, understand and interacting with the world created by the author.”

One of the myths that the new program shows up is that ‘reading aloud is reading’. According to research conducted globally, many children are able to read out what is written but often they do not understand what they have read – the ability to phonetically voice ‘words’ does not equate to understanding the words.

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The premise of this program is to build a child’s relationship to reading at an early age, so that they develop the engagement and enjoyment in reading throughout their school-going years and beyond. In a paper presented in Singapore Parliament on 23 March 2009, 12 to 14% of children entering Primary 1 over the last 5 years had very weak literacy skills – their knowledge of the alphabet was incomplete and they were not able to recognise simple words.

Native English Teachers and Catering to Different Reading Levels

The program features three different levels catering to different reading stages and different learning styles. Children will undergo an assessment to determine which level is appropriate for them. These levels are in line with international guided reading levels: Pre-Literacy (Joey), Beginning Reader (Panda) and Emerging Reader (Dolphin).

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In addition, MindChamps PreSchool will specially fly in English literacy experts from Australia to conduct the program. These native English teachers will devote 2 hrs per week to ensure that every child masters the basics of reading by the time they enter Primary School. These lessons are also supplemented by 4 x 45min of lessons per week by our locally trained English Teachers.

A Reading Program that makes a World of Difference

MindChamps PreSchool is proud to incorporate a world-class reading program that is differentiated by the following significant benefits for your child:

  • Child-centred, with meaningful hands-on experiences that actively and constructively involve the child.
  • Experiences cater to the needs of the children and integrated into various aspects of the curriculum, e.g., creative arts, role-play (drama) and vocabulary.
  • Quality Children Literature, with related songs and rhymes that are appropriate to the different levels and linked to the letter(s) introduced.
  • Expertly crafted theatrical principles are incorporated within the lesson scope to fully engage the children.
  • “Transitional” activities are in place to provide the children with an opportunity to review and recall the learning experiences throughout the day.

Commencing March 2012, the reading program will be fully incorporated into MindChamps PreSchool, adding an essential element to your pre-schooler’s array of indispensible skills required in school and beyond.

For information on MindChamps PreSchool, please visit www.mindchampspreschool.org or call 8233 4400 today!


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Written by

Justina Goh