5 great reasons to drink MILO every day

Most of us grew up with the tasty, chocolatey goodness of Milo, but what is it about this drink that makes it nutritious? Mummy blogger, Patrica lists down the 5 great reasons to start the day with a cup of Milo.

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What makes Milo the perfect breakfast of champions?

Get the best start to your day with MILO!

Following my footsteps, my girl has been religiously drinking MILO since she was a little girl. In fact, she drinks MILO for almost every meal! Regardless of where where we dine – coffee shop, restaurant, cafeteria, McDonald’s and even in her school canteen during recess – she will surely order herself a cup of MILO to go with her meals.

She also loves having it for breakfast (which has been made compulsory by her mum, aka me!). Yes, no skipping of breakfast is allowed in the house, and my girl is happy to have a cup of MILO to go along with whatever she is having for breakfast.

Why is having a good breakfast so important? As most of us (including school kids) go through a hectic schedule every day, we need lots of energy and brain power to help us get through the day. Breakfast provides energy to both the body and brain, and this enables kids to focus and pay extra attention during school lessons. A good breakfast provides not only the essential nutrients and energy; it also reduces irritability due to hunger that will disrupt a kid’s concentration in class.

Working adults should not skip breakfast to prevent them from being too hungry – which may lead to over-eating at lunch. So, by knowing all these, I guess it makes us realise how important breakfast really is.

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Breakfast of champions: A cup of Milo with cocoa cereal!

So, what exactly is a good breakfast? To me, it could be something simple and nutritious like a cup of energy-boosting MILO. Yes, just like many adults who need a cup of coffee or tea to kick start the day, children need their energy drink too.

MILO® is one of the most popular breakfast beverages with extensive energy boosting effects for our kids! A-ha……. it makes me understand why mum always insist that her active children (me, me..!) start the day with a cup of MILO during the good old school days. 😀

Click on the next page to find out what makes MILO the perfect breakfast of champions!

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What is it about Milo that makes it the perfect all-day drink? Here are 5 great reasons…

My girl share with me the other day about the 5 good reasons for drinking MILO… Yes, these are the great 5 reasons for having MILO every day that this little MILO fan of mine has reiterated, and I’m totally convinced. J

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1) Fuel her up!
MILO is not a meal by itself, but the best beverage to go with every single type of food. This is all thanks to the natural goodness of milk, malted barley (that contributes lots of vitamins and minerals to the drink) and cocoa.

2) Giving her the extra energy to go further!
Long-lasting energy from PROTOMALT, a unique malt extract which is found only in MILO, this helps my girl concentrate better and longer in the class. She still feels energetic even after school.

3) The vroom….Power!
MILO aids in the release of energy from food with a combination of B vitamins and Magnesium. This helps my girl to be one of the fastest runners during school PE activities, with enough energy to last her through the rest of the lessons in school after PE.

4) Hello Milo, say Cheese!
Calcium found in Milo builds strong bones and teeth. Yeah, growing tall and strong, it also gives my girl the neatest and nicest set of teeth ever.

5) Loved by generations!
First sold in 1936 and locally produced since 1984, the great taste of MILO is well-loved by everyone, passing down from generations. That’s why you can easily see at least a tin of MILO in every Singapore household.

No doubt, my girl, who will be starting secondary school soon, is still taking MILO for breakfast every day. Did I ever face difficulties in getting my girl to have breakfast before rushing off to school, then? Yes, at times, especially when she is running late or when her friends are waiting for her to catch up before school starts. However, I always insist that she have her breakfast before dashing off. With a cup of warm MILO drink and her all-time favorite MILO banana sandwich (My MILO banana sandwich recipe has been a hit since I first posted it up 4 years ago!), she will happily chow down before setting off, or take it along with her to finish up in school!

If your kids do not want to take breakfast, here are some great videos that you can enjoy watching!

Why do kids love MILO for breakfast?

What’s in a nutritious cup of MILO?

MILO: Energy to go further TVC

I was totally impressed with what the kids said in the videos, with their charming little voices. They reminded me of how important breakfast is for everyone.

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You can also watch the videos on the MILO FACEBOOK PAGE.

Think you’ve got what it takes to be a MILO champion? Click on the next page to find out more…

Ready to make Milo part of your breakfast routine?

Like I said, MILO was part of my breakfast routine when I was growing up – and the same goes for my girl too. Now that I am breastfeeding my baby, a cup of MILO as a breakfast drink is a must for me to replenish my energy and nutrients passed to my baby.

For both my girl and I, MILO is like a nutritious beverage that goes well with our breakfast food, such as my nice homemade bread, toasted bun, fried bee hoon, nasi lemak, and prata. Yes, our daily cup of MILO complements every single breakfast food!

So, the next time you prepare breakfast for yourself and your children, don’t forget to include a delicious cup of MILO too!

Great facts to share about MILO:

In 2006, MILO attained the Healthier Choice status from Health Promotion Board. As Singapore’s favourite energy drink, more than 1 million cups of MILO are given free to Singaporeans annually through various sports and community events.

Article written by Patrica (https://www.mywoklife.com/)

Written by

Sandra Ong