Michael Buble may not host Brit awards, as son battles cancer

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Michael Buble, who had announced on Instagram about hosting the awards in February, may after all not do it, and all for a justified reason.

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When Canadian singer, songwriter, actor and record producer declared on Instagram about hosting the Brit awards, he had congratulatory messages pouring in from fans across the globe. However, according to this report, Michael Buble may after all not host the award show, and all for a devastating reason.

Michael’s three-year-old son, Noah was recently diagnosed with cancer. The little boy is undergoing treatment in the US, as shared by Michael Buble on Facebook. Now, reports are making rounds that the 41-year-old may be letting go of this opportunity as he has his priorities set, and would rather be by the side of his son at such sensitive times.


The little tot recently got diagnosed with liver cancer and both, Michael as well as his wife, Luisana Lopilato, have decided to put their career on hold at this crucial and trying juncture in life.

Having a family member go through a critical illness is stressful and if that member is a child, it’s all the more trying. Ketaki Joglekar, ‎clinical psychologist, ‎Sahyadri Hospitals Ltd., feels taking care of a seriously ill child can be quite challenging.

Parents usually go through various emotional states like denial, anger, depression, and anxiety before coming to acceptance. In such situations, emotional and physical burnout is also a possibility, if the illness is prolonged.

“Parents can join social support groups, maintain a good rapport with their physician, take turns in care giving, reevaluate and reorganise priorities and take out time for recreational/relaxation activities,” advises Ketaki.

Dr Kamna Chhibber, clinical psychologist, Fortis Healthcare, also feels a chronic or severe illness in a child can have a strong impact on the parents given the sense of despair and helplessness that can develop in such a situation.

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It becomes imperative for parents to work towards developing their own coping mechanisms. She states, “It is essential that as a parent one seek necessary and relevant information relating to the problem from the medical experts. It is also important to recognise that in a difficult moment riding through the challenge is imperative and this would mean staying strong and focusing on the problem-solving aspect of the situation that one is facing rather than being stuck with the problem.”


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It is absolutely vital for parents to seek professional help for themselves if they see themselves entangled in the labyrinth of depression. The whole point is to remind yourself, as cruel as it sounds, but you are the caregiver and at this juncture, losing yourself in misery will just make it further difficult for the sick child.

Here are some tips that may hep you and your partner cope with this grief:

  • Update yourself: Know all that is to know about the illness. Do your research. Speak to doctors. Speak to other parents tending to children with a similar diagnosis. This will not only help you understand the gravity of the situation but will also help you explain things to your child, in the manner that they understand.
  • Be there for the spouse: Ms Joglekar strongly suggests that it is essential for partners to be there for each other. “Taking turns in caregiving, deciding roles and responsibilities, catharsis, empathy for spouse (validating and appreciating efforts of each other), is vital. Both of you need to be sure that you have each other for support.
  • YOU may need help: As Dr Chhiber states, “Parents can have their own moments of breaking down. They would have their anxious moments and these could also develop into a perpetual sense of feeling worried and tense about what may happen. Appetite, sleep, energy levels and the ability to derive pleasure from activities of interest can also be affected.” In moments like these, it’s vital to remind yourself that it won’t be any easy for your ill child to watch a parent breakdown. Get help. Speak to a counsellor. Involve your partner as well.

How we cope with such painful instances is important as it’s not just about catering to the physical and medical needs of the child. It’s way beyond that and here’s hoping Michael Buble and his family sail through this trying time, gracefully!

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[Image courtesy: Instagram]

Written by

Divya Nair