Mentos’ jaunty message for National Day
Suggestions for ‘doing your civic duty’
Mentos has put its own light-hearted take on the 2012 National Day celebrations – by suggesting that married Singaporeans make babies on the night of National Day. Mentos launched an advertising campaign called “Mentos National Night” last Wednesday, and a music-video clip was uploaded on YouTube Channel and on Mentos’ official Facebook page. But this was not an ordinary National Day themed song.
The track features lyrics that encourage married couples to have sex on the night of August 9th 2012 in the manner of “Get your National Night on!” Set to a catchy R & B-style rhythm, the other suggestive lyrics feature saucy references to “…exploring your body like the Night Safari.”, aspects of local culture such as, “Let’s put a pao in your oven.” and “I’ll tap you all night like an EZ-Link card,” as well as the National Day Parade and the annual fireworks display.
Just a joke?
It’s a cheeky tactic by Mentos that combines the ideals of “civic duty” with baby-making. Yet, some may feel that the issue of Singapore’s birth-rate is not something to joke about: flagging fertility rates are a problem in Singapore. The government has been pushing for a more parent-friendly environment, with longer periods of maternity and paternity leave, and increasing the amount of larger housing available to new parents, as well as other benefits.
But judging from the 860 hits (to date) on Mentos’ Youtube channel, the light-hearted baby-making campaign has struck a chord with many Singaporeans. Perhaps the best way to draw attention to a serious issue is by (gently) making a joke about it.